I can think of a lot of games that were destroyed the realism
by not killing off characters that are really dead!
when faced with imposable odds the main character just finds a "magical" whay to excape or win.... and its not limited to heros
the enemies all to often excape defeat when they should have meet the reaper just so they can continue to thretin the Heros later... ?
I realize that even the most accurate story should have plot twists and near death encounters... but seriously if know one dies when they should its just a comic book and everyone is immortal...
the best thind FF7 ever did was kill of a main character because know your thinking what ??? i dont want to lose my other characters!
this is good.... Death is Real... Embrace it!
but most of all keep it real... in fights people DIE and in war Lots of people Die!
I''d like to here your coments....
Keep conjuring the undead, my friends...
Um, I know that I have proposed on countless occassions that death should occur to both integral characters within the game (NPC''s) and player as well as the master boss (if there even exists a master boss). What you need is to explain a system where the player can be dead and still play the game...
Dwarfsoft are you of lesser iq then the rest of us?.... because your post sounds very... well idiodic! (to say the least) do you even understand what my post was about!
One title comes to mind...Metal Gear Solid. Just when you thought you killed a boss they return to haunt you.
Having a boss or even enemy that is tough to kill is good but when it is almost impossible to kill a guy then that is just plain stupid. That is why I liked the bushido blade series, it is real. One hit from a sword would impale someone maybe not kill them outright. When the person you are fighting dies then they stay dead, none of this coming back to life crap.
I would once like to see a few more games having the dead enemies stay where they die and not dissapear from the face of the earth. Say in a level you kill an enemy...you go off and complete a few tasks etc and you happen to stumble upon the dead guy you killed earlier..''real'' life.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day!"
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day!"
I couldnt agree more with the whay they ran Metal Gear Solid lost the realism half whay through and turned to super-Hero ish very sad Especialy in games like FM3 when main bad guys would simply dissaper from there blown up mech''s and return over and over again without showing them escape(it was just assumed)
and The Death delema aplies to a lot of games especialy RPG''s, this really brings them down when characters just magicaly escape some how and are recurculated through the plot!
its silly because death can be a important and compelling force for many stories in games... if only used properly dont you agree?....
Dwarfsoft are you of lesser iq then the rest of us?.... because your post sounds very... well idiodic! (to say the least) do you even understand what my post was about!
No offense, dude, but with the number of poorly spelled words, poor grammar, and seemingly not so literate composition of your post, I''d expect many to miss the point.
Dwarfsoft seemed to answer your question well, posing a legitimate problem.
quote: Dwarf soft think before you speek
Hmmmm.... no... won''t go there...
-------------------- Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Thanks wav... I was almost in a flaming mood but your post softened that. What is it about my post that was idiodic Necro? I have documented more stuff about NPC''s than you would care to know. At least I give you the opportunity of reading through what we have discussed in these forums.
And your spelling and grammar really aren''t that great...
Necromancer, I realize you''re just asking for comments, so here are my comments:
Games are designed to be entertaining. Real life quite often is not entertaining at all. Consider actually killing someone in real life. There are very real repercussions to that. In a game, the characters aren''t ever really alive or dead, they are just presented in a different manner that you interpret as analogous to real life. So, for a character to remain dead would make it more real, correct? Well how would you like a game where you spend your 40 bucks, buy it, die because you didn''t read the instructions, and then it tells you "hey man, you''re dead, you can''t just come back to life!"
Realism has to go both ways. You can''t just say "oh let''s make it perfectly realistic" and then let the main character come back to life any time they want. If you get a second chance, the bosses should too, hey? Characters that are "dead" can be brought back for final vengeance. You have to meet somewhere in the middle. You can''t have the bad guys stay dead and the main character not and still call it realistic. If what you want is realism, good luck, computers cannot handle realism at all, and probably never will in terms of presentation. People naturally design stories that are not realistic, they are fantastic, so rules of real life are broken. You have to follow the rules that the game designer lays out. You can lay out any rules that you want for the games you might make, so consider your own thoughts and the feelings others express at the thought of complete realism.
The different player-style of games also comes into question: In MMO games, you surely wouldn''t want to be dead for good if you died once, would you? Some people play Diablo 2 that way and blame lag, connection loss, etc, for their death, never admitting it was their fault. So if you make a MMO game with permanent death, you''re gonna face a lot of whiners. Single-player games, however, can give the human player a second chance to do things right, to get further into the story, and whatever the other characters do should be consistent with the game fiction, not with real life. If the fiction is designed aroudn real life, you might expect similar outcomes, but often the stories are fantastic and not realistic, so either live with what others have done or do something for yourself, just don''t whine when you get annoyed at a game that doesn''t do things the way you like.