
Pointers to member functions

Started by November 08, 2000 11:39 PM
4 comments, last by A. Buza 24 years, 3 months ago
I have a class for recording/logging errors (CErr), and I would like it to be able to record stuff in various ways; either in a file, a win32 console, or message box. I thought having a pointer to a function (one func for each method) would be a good way to do this, but I''m at a loss as to how to get pointers to functions. I''ve tried quite a few things and nothing has worked.. and I can''t find anything about it in the documentation I''ve looked at. So, can someone give me a clue? Thanks.
Do you want a function pointer or a method pointer?
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Method pointer, if your terminoligy is what I think it is.

I.e, both the pointer and the funcs it points to are members of the same class.
Here''s some sample code for using pointers to member functions:

  class A {  public:    void (A::*func_ptr)(void);    void FuncA(void) { printf("A\n"); }    void FuncB(void) { printf("B\n"); }    void FuncC(void) { printf("C\n"); }    void FuncD(void) { (this->*func_ptr)(); }    A() { func_ptr = &A::FuncA; }};int main(int argc, char ** argv) {  A a;  a.FuncD();  a.func_ptr = A::FuncB;  (a.*(a.func_ptr))();  a.func_ptr = A::FuncC;  a.FuncD();  return 0;}  

The & in the constructor is necessary in ANSI C++, but MS will let you leave it out.

The key is the .* or the ->* operators, which let you call the function pointer on the right of the operator with the class on the left of the operator.
I read about this the other day. I may be totally wrong though(i am new to this.)

if you have a Class CErr, with a member function error(),

  CErr a;CErr *p;p = &a 

Now, if you wanted to call the member function of the object with a pointer, you can do it 2 ways:

p -> error();(*p) .error(); 

Hope this wasn't too basic. I just saw it the other day in my book, and i basically copied out(with different examples)


Edited by - dong on November 9, 2000 6:05:33 PM
Shit... I just read the question again(the second part), and i don''t think i got it right... Oh well

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