
Mode 13h....

Started by November 07, 2000 08:51 PM
18 comments, last by Drakkhen 24 years, 1 month ago
I recently begun programming in C++(came from QBasic, sad really)and I tried to do mode 13h in C++(Borland C++) I use the code: asm { mov ax, 13h int 10h } for screen 13h. This code works in QBasic, but it gives me the blue screen of death in C++. I really need some help on this because I''m at the graphics part of my game.... Thanks "The road goes ever on and on..." Bilbo Baggins -Drakkhen
"The road goes ever on and on..." Bilbo Baggins-Drakkhen
You need to compile an actual DOS application, windows applications (including windows console apps) should give a protection fault if a software interrupt is called. I think Borland has some of their older DOS compilers available for free download off their website.
Why don''t you try using tc++ 3.0, it''s a great compiler, and ide is excellent, except that it is a 16 bit compiler. if you want 32 bit, try dgjpp -

Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, that is why
we call it the present.
Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.
Sorry, I was being an idiot. I forgot that asm doesn''t work in 32 bit compilers because I''ve used 16 bit for so long...
Also, i can''t find Turbo C++ for free anywhere(It''s not free on Borland) so if someone could help me find it, I''ve got 1.0, but I''m not expecting much.....Thanks....

"The road goes ever on and on..." Bilbo Baggins

"The road goes ever on and on..." Bilbo Baggins-Drakkhen
Actually, asm does work with 32 bit compilers, it''s when you call the DOS interrupts that gives you the BSOD.
no, I''m used that code with win95 osr1

it pisses windows off when you exit your program, but it will (did) work. I was using Borland TC3...

It may be BSOD''ing becuase you''re not saving and restoring the state of the registers before and after you call that interaupt.

i forget the command to push & pop all the regs though... there was a way to do it with two commands...
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quote: Original post by Drakkhen

Sorry, I was being an idiot. I forgot that asm doesn''t work in 32 bit compilers because I''ve used 16 bit for so long...
Also, i can''t find Turbo C++ for free anywhere(It''s not free on Borland) so if someone could help me find it, I''ve got 1.0, but I''m not expecting much.....Thanks....

"The road goes ever on and on..." Bilbo Baggins


I think borland released v. 2.0 for free on it''s web-site, but i''m not sure.
Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.
They did.

However, you have to register with them to download it.
My god...i''ve been waiting for one of these VGA questions to pop up!
Drakkhen, i hate to be a pessimist, but move into DirectX and/or OpenGL graphics! About a year and a half ago i was trying to do pretty much the same thing you are now, and i was almost *STUNNED* when i switched over to learn has its difficulties, but in general it will do alot of things easier and faster than you can *generally* do in a non-API setting.

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I''ve never been able to use feels like cheating and I don''t like that feeling is why I don''t use them....Plus, I don''t know where to even begin using DirectX, do I have to download something or what?

"The road goes ever on and on..." Bilbo Baggins

"The road goes ever on and on..." Bilbo Baggins-Drakkhen

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