
Dialog to

Started by November 06, 2000 07:14 PM
1 comment, last by Xtreme 24 years, 2 months ago
hi All, Sorry if I posted this at the wrong forum but here goes... In Visual C++ v6.0, how do I display & control say a dialog box (along with push buttons, radio buttons, tick boxes etc).? I know you can draw it up using Resource Manager, but what commands do I use to include that in my code so I can display that? If possible, is there a way to do it without using MFC? (I never did try using MFC anyway) I want it for a windows application. Please help!!! -Xtreme sig u say?
Yes! There are kangaroos in Australia but I haven't seen them...yet
try the DialogBox() function, then you have to create a DialogBox() callback function, it''s very similiar to the WindowProc() that you already have used. look them up in the help, or on MSDN, there not difficult to get the hang of. hope i''ve helped. btw, i think you can do almost everything without MFC(i could be wrong), because it''s just a wrapper of the Win32 API.
thanx jharkey. I''ll have a look at it in MSDN library and i hope it doesnt involve MFC!!
Yes! There are kangaroos in Australia but I haven't seen them...yet

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