Partly because of some the comments on a thread about innovation in games, and partly because I think it would be helpful to people. I thought I would start this topic.
What in your opinion are ten games every game designer should play? and why?
And if you ask me, I don't think one should look _just_ at computer games when there is so much untapped potential around. I am sorry but it's just plain stupid.
Original post by Kylotan
ahw - I think the Warhammer games have some of the worst rules invented. They exist merely to sell the miniatures and have been dumbed down in each successive edition to appeal to younger and younger children. The result these days is that instead of being a game of strategy it's a game of rolling a bucket of dice. (I must type this quietly as my housemate works for Games Workshop...!)
Ahah, yes, I entirely agree with you, which is why you'll notice I mention the Epic 40k game, and the roleplaying game. I can't stand the Battle and 40k.
And don't get me started about the miniatures... since initially I am a painter, I only got interested in the games as an afterthought, really. Anyway, nowadays there are some very serious competitors (for the quality of miniatures), like Confrontation, or Warzone (in Limbo at the moment, I believe) or Void, or Warmachine, gee ...
And Wizards Of The Coast only really managed to buy TSR (the D+D makers) because TSR were pretty much bankrupt. Magic: The Gathering does have some good mechanics, or at least did do, before that too ended up having to cannibalise and parody itself to continue making it worth buying new cards.
Well, I started playing Magic more than 10 years ago, and I haven't bought a booster in, pff, quite some time now. Haven't even looked at the new edition with its brand new layout.
No, to tell you the truth I was much more interested in looking at all the new other concepts. Stuff like Vampire the Masquerade (well, based on the roleplaying game anyway), Legend of the Five Rings (the only card game I know of that was so cool they made a roleplaying game out of it!), Dark Age: Feudal Lords, Guardians (and its hilarious extensions), Kabal (based on Nephilim), Doomtrooper (based on the Warzone roleplaying game/wargame), even the recent card game version of Warhammer has its moments.
As for the TSR story, I was just making a point, eh :) Imagine if Electronic Arts had bought them, LOL... at least it stayed in the family, so to speak.
Anyway, read one of the recent game designer books (I loved Chris Crawford's, and Ernest Adams is always a great read), and I would doubt it if they disagreed with me.
Now, what about... I dunno,
The Top Ten Games That Have ALREADY Been Used To Death
Or something like that.
Please guys, open your eyes and realise there are other things that computer games around!