
Really Simple Question.. Tab Controls

Started by November 05, 2000 05:35 PM
3 comments, last by JSCFaith 24 years, 2 months ago
Hey I have a really quick question,(Well I think its simple). Ok here it goes. Ok I am making a little configure program for a game I am working on and I can''t quiet figure out how to change the font on a Tab Control using the windows SDK. Right now it is a really bold and basically ugly font. I really don''t like it at all. Can anyone help me? I dont know MFC so don''t tell me how to do it that way, but if anyone can help me do this using the Windows SDK I would appreciate it. Thanks... Later, James
Hmmm... Assuming you''re using Visual Studio, and its Dialog editor, the properties sheet (Alt+Enter) has a Font button. Change the font with it.

On a related topic: I want to display text in a dialog box in different colours (say, black and blue). Is there any way to do this in Visual Studio?

Not that I know of, sorry
    SendMessage(hWndTab, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT), (LPARAM)FALSE);    

And for the text colour, the SetTextColor() seems to be the most obvious function, but you need the device context for it. Hmmm...I wonder if it would work? I put my money on this one though

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