Just want to say that while it''s a good idea, sending money would be somewhat impractical.
There are plenty of ways you can help NeHe, link to the site, send him some of your code, learn something (isn''t that why he started it in the first place?), send a good old REE (Randomly Encouraging Email)
25 new emails saying ''Cheers!'' or ''Thanks'' is infinitely more valuable than anything money can buy.
This is not to downgrade the intention of your incredibly generous offers, merely a personal observation.
I know that if/when my little project takes off and gives me the means, an NV45 top-of-the-range accelerator might mysteriously appear at a cetain Molofee residence, but for now, all I can do is say that I wish Jeff and especially his family the very best of luck for what they''re going through.
Happy and prosperous coding to you all
Are you interested in SETEC ASTRONOMY?
_________________________________I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure...