
Decibels to linear volume

Started by November 05, 2000 01:15 AM
2 comments, last by GeniX 24 years, 2 months ago
So what?? Im too lazy to work it out myself! But since youre already here... DirectSound wants a decibel rating from -10000 to 0 I want to have a linear volume from 0 to 255. I cant just convert the linear volume straight to a value out of 10000 and subtract 10000 because then if the linear volume is 190, the sound is very soft. If the linear volume is 255, it is loud. I need to take into account the fact that the decibel volume is logarithmic. Help? A formula would be nice? regards, GeniX
I think this macro will work
#define DSVOLUME_TO_DB(volume) ((DWORD)(-30*(100 - volume)))

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This is the code I have in my sound engine I wrote a while ago (and that I use currently). This converts a sound volume from 0,100 to -10000,0.

This deals with the logarithmic scale of decibels I think...

long lVolume = (long) (-5000.0F + 5000.0F * log(1.0F + (LN_BASE - 1.0F) * (float) fVolume / 100.0F));
Thanks a lot - I will try them.



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