
Switching resulotion (SDL)

Started by February 22, 2005 04:34 AM
1 comment, last by Rob Loach 20 years ago
How would I do if I want to change the resulotion of my game window and have the sprites the same size as they were before. Well they don't get smaller, but it looks like it. Do I have to make three (if I have three resulotions for the user to chose from) versions of all sprites and load in the right sprite for the right mode when the user change the resulotion? //walle
Do I have to make three (if I have three resulotions for the user to chose from) versions of all sprites and load in the right sprite for the right mode when the user change the resulotion?
Yes, or you could use some other library to scale them down automatically for you (e.g. SDL_image), barring some blurriness.

- ben
- Ben
Original post by carb
Do I have to make three (if I have three resulotions for the user to chose from) versions of all sprites and load in the right sprite for the right mode when the user change the resulotion?
Yes, or you could use some other library to scale them down automatically for you (e.g. SDL_image), barring some blurriness.

SDL_image doesn't scale images. It just loads images of different file types. SDL_gfx, on the other hand, does. I haven't tried it, but you could blit to the screen buffer SDL_Surface image and then scale that buffer down to the screen resolution and then flip using that screen buffer. I made a DevPak for SDL_gfx if you need it.
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