
3D Menu - 2D Game SDL

Started by February 22, 2005 04:12 AM
3 comments, last by Boder 20 years ago
What's the ideal way to have 3d rendering for the menu of a game, and then switch to SDL's rendering methods? I just want some basic textured quads rotating, so is it possible to use OpenGL rendering in the beginning and then go to SDL_BlitSurface for the main loop? Or is there some nice, basic software 3d-with-SDL library I can use so I don't have to switch modes (if that's even possible). I know Allegro has some routines like this... should I just grab that and incorporate it?
All you'd need to do is reset/reinitilise the video mode.
Pre-render menu items in Blender (or other 3D modeling tool) and implement them as sprites. You can use this approach for anything you want to look 3D but render with SDL.
I could have sworn I answered this question before recently [smile]. Someone else had a similar thread here. Hope that helps.

- Drew
After calling SDL_SetVideoMode() do I have to shut down the OpenGL context in any way before calling the function again to init a normal SDL rendering context?

Also for loading the image as a texture am I going to need to add an extra library to load images as textures or write my own image loading routine?

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