What is the best C++/Lua wrapper?
Hello there I used to export my c++ functions and classes to lua by myself but i changed my mind and decided to rely on automatic wrappers. I checked the tools on lua.org and found c2lua!! but the problem with this program it needs some additional work to export ur functions and classs!! so i'm here to ask if there is a more is easier tool to do the job for me?!?!?!
Storms .. Wind and Fire .. READ MY CALLS
luabind and tolua
I made a thread just like this one a couple months ago. After several responses, it seemed the general consensus was there is no best C++/Lua binder library. It all comes down to what you are most comfortable working with it seems. People just picked one, it worked, and that was it.
I have passed off the Lua baton to another member on my team shortly after discussion in that thread ceased, and he decided to write his own instead (and it works). So I guess just pick one that fits your needs and there ya go. [smile]
I have passed off the Lua baton to another member on my team shortly after discussion in that thread ceased, and he decided to write his own instead (and it works). So I guess just pick one that fits your needs and there ya go. [smile]
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