
The best selling games ever...

Started by February 12, 2005 10:52 AM
12 comments, last by Obscure 19 years, 9 months ago
Aa interesting numbers, they seem to be correct. Sadens me that Civlization and the Ultima series didn't sell in those numbers, they sold good but not that good.

I grew up with Tetris and Mario Bros, they sure were great.
Quote: Original post by ProPuke
Many rumours have been floating around for a few years now about the Release of an Elite 4 through Ian Bells established Frontier Developments company.

Other way around - Frontier is Dave Braben's company, not Ian's.

My favourite Braben game was Virus. I tested the ST/Amiga versions which were published by Telecomsoft (long dead). Not the same massive scale as Elite but the wonderful control system made for a really weird game; loved it.
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
Where are Doom and Quake in that list? I can't believe Half-life outsold either.
The figure for Half Life is a little inaccurate. It was derived from a quote from a marketing guy at Vivendi who stated that the Half-Life family had sold 8 million - the family included all games based on the Half Life engine - HL, CS, DoD, Gunman etc that Valve were involved in or which mod teams did and were then sold through Valve/Vivendi.
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant

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