
[java] Java basic syntax -where-

Started by October 30, 2000 02:22 PM
3 comments, last by lupine 24 years, 4 months ago
YO where is a good source for finding the basic building blocks of JAva you know like commands, required arguments etc. also need solid explanitory text for sed. I''m feeling frustrated with the 5 or so books I''ve been reading. They all do the "FIRST YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND OBJECTS AND THATS REALLY REALLY REALLY DIFFICULT. AN OBJECT IS LIKE A BICYCLE... NO WAIT AN OBJECT IS LIKE TWO DOGS EXCEPT THAT THE TWO DOGS HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES..." gimme a friggin break then they give program examples then the book ends.
"do you like my helmut?"-yoghurt
Here are a couple sites and such that might help you out:

1. -> has a lot of Java stuff and I believe they''ve started a series on Java 101 that might be right up your alley.

2. -> Java 2 Platform docs...all core classes and stuff is listed here.

And here is the text I learned Java from :
Java How to Program 3rd Edition By Deitel and Deitel
ISBN: 0-13-012507-5
publisher : Prentice Hall

hope this helped, a bit ().

I feel like a kid in some kind of store...
==============================================I feel like a kid in some kind of store... ==============================================
thanks JP I''ll check it out.
"do you like my helmut?"-yoghurt
You could also check out Bruce Eckel''s "Thinking in Java".
You can find an online version here:

Thinking in Java


- Death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth. -
I reccommend reading "Thinking in Java" as well. Its by far the best Java book I have read.

You can also visit the sun website ( and get their tutorial for free with explains the basics as well as setting up their jdk.

- Daniel
VG Games
- DanielMy homepage

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