Original post by Taolung
A bit of a different game, but this is part of the reason I liked Freelancer. When the game ends, (assuming you stick to the storyline closely) you've only really explored something like 25% of the game world. At the end is when they let you loose to explore, discover new star systems, forge new alliances, and start down a new career path. There were lots of neat little adventures and things to find still out there, (the planet of monkey-people hidden way off the map...hehe) and when the game ended, you almost felt like things were just beginning for your career.
You know, I actually told Juni to stuff it for about two weeks while I went on exploring and fighting by myself. I actually have some SERIOUS problems with the way Freelancer did story because they locked systems and RESET (!!!) alliances as you worked through the game. To me, this was the equivalent of being lead by the nose AND nerfed (especially after I'd worked so hard to get in good with the Liberty Navy). By the time they let me go off by myself, I was so disgusted with the game that I did very little (the repetitive "Go here, kill all" missions did me in).
I only wish that they had created a few mini-stories that you could encounter. Rather than just picking up a standard "kill him" or "deliver this" mission at a port, it would have been neat to encounter a few NPC's who had a short series of missions for you. I would think it would have been relatively easy to add just a few more scenarios and short story lines that you could stumble onto once in awhile and have fun with. If not in the standard game, then in expansions.
I actually enjoy replaying Freelancer as a combat game, if I tell myself that's all it is. But when I expect more (like the cool missions you mention) that's when my annoyance with the game really spikes. But you're right, it is a good example of allowing you to keep playing. (Even more fun when you get the patch to bypass the #*$*%! story on replay [grin])