i need some advice
hey, im looking for a scripting language to use for an RPG project. the game will be completely open-source and GPLed. i pretty much need to be able to accomplish the following: -be able to call scripts from within my native environment (c++) -have the language able to call exposed functions in my native environment -have the language able to understand the classes in my environment and be able to accept them as arguments and modify their internals in addition to the above (which isnt exactly much) i need the language to be under a free license. i mean free as in speech and not as in beer. ive looked at python, gamemonkey and lua by now. gamemonkey is still sort of young i feel and isnt linux friendly yet. lua seems sort of old and not so user friendly. python ive heard is hard to bind to c++ but boost.python apparently can help that. does anyone with some solid scripting experience have any advice for what might be best?
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."-Aristotle
AngelScript is a possible choice, but it rather lacks on the documentation side. However, the creator has his own forum here, so maybe you can look through the archives there. It looks very promissing, but getting the interactions with classes might be a challenge. I have only begun using it and have yet to get the classes to work. Other than that, it seems really nice.
- Drew
- Drew
What you might be looking for is Ruby. It's quite a decent language. It's got a lot of documentation as well. Definetly look at the tutorials on Ruby's site and look at the syntax (see what you think before you make your decision though). If you've ever used a functional programming language, this should be a blast. It really is a fun language.
Here's another link - Here!. It describes how to embed Ruby in C/C++.
I hope I was of any help,
You should use Lua. It's old, yes, in the number of years it's been in existence, but the most recent (beta) version just came out around Christmas. It's small, fast, portable, and very easy to work with. Ruby is good, too, but it's rather large and the standard distribution lacks documentation (get it online).
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