
New File Language (kinda)

Started by January 22, 2005 02:41 PM
-1 comments, last by RaptorRT 20 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I made a new type of script language it's like HTML it's called WSP (Web Site Page) it was a experiment and i made a few other languages one for animated images and a download version of WSP (DWSP) the file's only work on my server but i have stoped work on the file type (don't see the use for it) and for the Animated Image File (AIF) it head no programe to create and work with it so i stoped with that file type too. I created this topic just to let every one know of this file type and if some one creates a image program and if the want to inculde AIF in it just conact me and i will send the file type and some info.

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