
Programs writing programs

Started by January 16, 2005 03:06 AM
5 comments, last by lucky_monkey 20 years, 1 month ago
I'm thinking about writing an application that uses genetic algorithms to create machine code that will run and perform some specific task. I could make the fitness function to check an area of memory and see if it contains a certain value, or even be more complex like check a pixel in the render frame for a certain value. Has anyone tried this, or heard about it being done? I read a book once that described a similiar task on programmable EPROMs to measure radio frequencies in space or something. Anyway, seemed like a fun challenge.
Don't be afraid to be yourself. Nobody else ever will be.
You usally do not want machine code.

You should use a virtual machine, and make sure that it can't crach your comp. Because guarenteed, makeing Machine code, using a GA, unrestrained, will crash your comp very, very, very, very Quickly.

Nice coder
Click here to patch the mozilla IDN exploit, or click Here then type in Network.enableidn and set its value to false. Restart the browser for the patches to work.
Ya, I did a lot of LISP programming at my University. What I'm talking about is a little bit different, more along the lines of artificial life.

Given a blank computer, have another computer develop a GA to actually evolve the blank computer to some state.
The potential is there for the GA to evolve the blank computer to a state which would resemble a limited operating system, and (this is reaching) perhaps even a cognizant form of life :)

Don't be afraid to be yourself. Nobody else ever will be.
You usally do not want machine code.

You should use a virtual machine, and make sure that it can't crach your comp. Because guarenteed, makeing Machine code, using a GA, unrestrained, will crash your comp very, very, very, very Quickly.

Most definately :)
Don't be afraid to be yourself. Nobody else ever will be.
It will also take a very very long time..... very.
Because of the low level, yasee.

Nice coder
Click here to patch the mozilla IDN exploit, or click Here then type in Network.enableidn and set its value to false. Restart the browser for the patches to work.
Do a google search for "genetic programming", as that's what you're talking about. There is quite a bit of info floating about on the web about it :)

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