
Selling Model Packs... To Multiple People? Legal?

Started by January 12, 2005 12:25 PM
4 comments, last by JeffHealey 20 years, 2 months ago
Well i was thinking about creating packs of 3d models of lets say like 30 or so weapons. I would sell it for like 20$. If it will be used in actual games that go on the market can i sell to more than 1 person? IE Anyone who buys can use it on any of their games ETC? But can there be more than 1 buyer? Thanks. PS. If i didnt make myself clear enough just tell me and i'll try to elaborate more. For some reason i just cant get the words out that i want to say heh.
You're the vendor, so the buyer agrees to your terms. You must state clearly that the model packs are available to numerous clients though, and will most likely appear in other products. You keep your intentions up front and you will have no problems.

Also make sure you're selling them a license to use it in their game, not selling the models itself. That would imply that it's theirs to do with as they see fit.
AlienCodec software sells out their TreeMagik-G2 software and their PlantLife software with a license to use the objects produced by that software in any way seen fit: including commercial. Like Frostburn said, though, you can't actually sell the ownership of a model to more than one client.

From Aliencodec's terms of use:

# Ownership
You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership to any of our products or custom textures, modified or unmodified. All products are property of Aliencodec Software. Our products are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall our juridical person be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use our products.
Original post by JeffHealey
Well i was thinking about creating packs of 3d models of lets say like 30 or so weapons. I would sell it for like 20$. If it will be used in actual games that go on the market can i sell to more than 1 person? IE Anyone who buys can use it on any of their games ETC? But can there be more than 1 buyer?

Of course! GarageGames does this all the time with their content packs (which are great for non-torque games as well, since they include the 3ds files too).

That said, you might want to consider preping the models for Torque as well and selling them through GarageGames.
Well i need to find an exporter... It needs to make files .3ds or whatever format i need FROM .OBJ And i cant find any....

EDIT Also can anyone show me an example of this liscence? Do they have to actually sign it or what?

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