SDL or Allegro?
Which of these is better? I have not looked at SDL in detail, but recently played a game with SDL that was very well made. I have looked at allegro, but not in a huge amount of detail, what do you guys think?
Well I have never used Allegro before - so I do not know anything about it, but SDL seems to be a good choice for beginners. It all depends on what you want to accompish and in how much time. I know making a game in SDL is fast compared to using DX or OGL because SDL takes care of all the low level details already - you just start adding in your game code. As a side effect, you have little control over how some things operate on the low level side. You cannot ask which is better - because better is an opinion based on the task that needs to be done. Once you can give details one what you want to do - picking between the two should be easier.
- Drew
- Drew
I use allegro, and it is great. I have seen some SDL code, and it looks more in depth then allegro code. If your a beginner, Allegro is a good choice and if you plan on learning allegro, get the book "Game Programming All in One 2nd Edition".
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I've had experiences with both and must say that, in my opinion, SDL is easier to get started with. It also poses as a nice starting point towards jumping into OpenGL programming.
Original post by Stompy9999
I use allegro, and it is great. I have seen some SDL code, and it looks more in depth then allegro code. If your a beginner, Allegro is a good choice and if you plan on learning allegro, get the book "Game Programming All in One 2nd Edition".
I have that book, but have not looked at it extensively.
Alright, thanks everyone, I might research both, so I can use both even when needed.
Game Programming All In One (2nd ed.) is this the kind of book you can just sit down and read through in an evening or two, and then use it as an allegro reference. I've used both SDL and Allegro, and I like both of them, but I'd go with Allegro if I were you. Why? Because Allegro makes things easier, which is a Good Thing.
To answer the OP, neither one is better. It's a matter of personal preference and, most importantly, what you're trying to accomplish. If you truly want to know which one's better you only have to do one thing: try both of them and decide for yourself.
To answer the OP, neither one is better. It's a matter of personal preference and, most importantly, what you're trying to accomplish. If you truly want to know which one's better you only have to do one thing: try both of them and decide for yourself.
Instead of learning both, master one (probably SDL if you have the time to write alot of it yourself). You will get to making games faster, and making GOOD games btw.
Instead of learning both, master one (probably SDL if you have the time to write alot of it yourself). You will get to making games faster, and making GOOD games btw.
It's like asking which is better, OpenGL, or Direct3D. In the end, you get the same results.
Personaly, I like SDL, because it has a small code base, and didn't originate with MSDOS.
Personaly, I like SDL, because it has a small code base, and didn't originate with MSDOS.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
Another library that I'm just testing out is Clanlib. I find it extremely nice. The code is object oriented. It does both 2d and 3d(opengl) without an addon like allegro does. It's great. If you use it for opengl you just type in straight opengl commands, no extra's. It also has a networking library if you want to do that. It has modules, so you don't have to include what you don't need.
If you're planning on using hardware rendering (opengl), then you really want to be using SDL.
Otherwise, Allegro is quite a nifty software rendering library - it's certainly pretty feature-rich (if somewhat idiosyncratic in places).
SDL does NOT have the same level of software rendering features as Allegro - although there are other libraries which can be used in conjunction which do.
Otherwise, Allegro is quite a nifty software rendering library - it's certainly pretty feature-rich (if somewhat idiosyncratic in places).
SDL does NOT have the same level of software rendering features as Allegro - although there are other libraries which can be used in conjunction which do.
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