I don''t mind subtitled movies at all, and actually, I prefer reading text to listening to speech in games. There are a few reasons for this, most of which have already been mentioned. It''s faster, which is nice especially if you accidentally talk to a particularly long-winded NPC whose story you''ve already heard.
It would take up immense amounts of storage space for some games, so it''s going to be a ways off.
And let''s face it, most of the game industry''s attempts at good voice acting just plain suck.
One counterexample that I can think of is Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. The voice acting in that game was fantastic, especially for Kain himself. I loved the cut scenes in LoK.
You say that people hate to read text on screen, and give the example of subtitled movies as an example. I don''t think that''s a good example to use, because they''re two completely different mediums. People don''t like subtitles in movies because they''re used to movies having speech, just as people don''t mind subtitles in games because they''re used to that. The other thing is that a movie goes at its own pace, so you have to constantly be watching for the text, which can take away from the experience. A game generally moves at a rate that the user can control; or if it doesn''t, it is paced with the subtitles taken into account, unlike in movies.
Now I am not saying that people don''t want speech in games simply because they''re not used to it. It''s like having a car: When you don''t have one, it''s not a big deal. But when you do have one and it breaks down, it''s a pain in the ass because you''re used to having it available. People don''t mind text now because it''s what we''re used to, but this could very well change once DVD games become the norm and developers have a lot more disk space to utilize, and speech becomes more common.
One last thing: leaving the character''s voice out leaves a little bit more room for imagination. There will always be people out there who think the voice doesn''t fit the character that well, especially if the actor doing the part isn''t that great. It''s like reading a wonderful fantasy novel, and then in a later book in the series, seeing cover art of a character that looks NOTHING like what you envision them to be. (I hate that.
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