void CLuaManager::LuaCreateState()
lua_State* luaVM = lua_open();
if (NULL == luaVM)
printf("Error Initializing lua\n");
// initialize lua standard library functions
printf("Simple Functional lua interpreter\n");
printf("Based on lua version 4.0.1\n");
printf("Enter lua commands. type 'exit<enter>' to exit\n");
lua_dofile(luaVM, "startup.lua");
Startup.lua contains: -- Simple lua script -- comments indicated with a '--' a = 5; b = 10; c = a + b; print ("5+10=" .. c); I'm definatley including the correct libs, files..I just don't understand the error and why this is happening. If you need any more information don't hesitate to ask. Thank you, Mike
Lua Crashing Program
I am having a very strange problem, LUA is crashing my program. Now, that isn't the strange part. The strange part is that the code I am using in another program works without problems, but when added to my engine I get this: Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at fputs(SByte* , _iobuf* ) at ?A0x4c700a50.luaB_print(lua_State* L) at luaD_precall(lua_State* L, lua_TObject* func) at luaV_execute(lua_State* L) at luaD_call(lua_State* L, lua_TObject* func, Int32 nResults) at ?A0x4f8a2daa.f_call(lua_State* L, Void* ud) at luaD_rawrunprotected(lua_State* , IntPtr , Void* ) at luaD_pcall(lua_State* L, IntPtr func, Void* u, Int32 oldtop, Int32 ef) at lua_pcall(lua_State* L, Int32 nargs, Int32 nresults, Int32 errfunc) at ?A0x0a637578.aux_do(lua_State* L, Int32 status) at lua_dofile(lua_State* L, SByte* filename) I run everything through a gameManager, and inside that is the luaMgr that handles LUA. So, in main I call gameManager->luaMgr->LuaCreateState(); (which does more then just creating states, I moved everything into it for simplicity and for it to be EXACTLY like my test program. LuaCreateState() contains this:
Is this a console program? If not, where would it be printing to?
Looking at the stack trace and vaguely remembering my past experiences with lua, I think that may be the problem (the print function). You may have to define your own print function.
It also appears that you are/have compiled lua as Managed code (.NET) rather than unmanaged code. I don't know if that could cause problems, but it certainly is a possibility.
Looking at the stack trace and vaguely remembering my past experiences with lua, I think that may be the problem (the print function). You may have to define your own print function.
It also appears that you are/have compiled lua as Managed code (.NET) rather than unmanaged code. I don't know if that could cause problems, but it certainly is a possibility.
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