
A noob to openGL

Started by December 30, 2004 12:34 AM
9 comments, last by eSCHEn 20 years, 2 months ago
Hello fellow programmers, As you may have noticed, I am a starting to learn OpenGL, making me a noob to it. I was recommened by a friend to try nehe tutorials, but I'm having trouble with lesson 0, how to put in OpenGL. Nehe doesn't even say where to get the code or provide a link to get it for that matter. Where do I download the OpenGL code and how do I install into my Dev-C++? What's the point in showing us these bits and pieces of lines of code? How do I program to draw a shape on OpenGL? So many questions and so many things I need help with.
It's OK, just compile the sample code as-is and run the executable it generates.

It sometimes helps to make sure you are compiling in 'release' mode rather than making a 'debug' build, as well.

OpenGL software support is included in Windows systems and most if not all flavors of unix.

The major support for direct hardware access is included in your graphics card driver (download the latest drivers for your card). The majority of users are running NVIDIA or ATI graphics cards, they seem to have the best driver support for OpenGL.

Aside form your card's hardware drivers and the headers and libs supplied by your compiler, you don't need anything more to compile and run OpenGL code.

A link to the sample lesson-code is at the bottom of each lesson, select the code for the compiler you're using.

The first lesson is a template (base code) for the subsequent lessons, try compiling some of the later lessons to see how this base-code is used.

[Edited by - comservlant on December 30, 2004 9:06:14 AM]
Okay, I manage to get visual c++ 6.0 and installed into my computer and just downloaded and compiled the sample code. But, I'm getting errors for incorrect links. I guess I'm in debug mode, how do I get to release mode for visual c++ 6.0?
Original post by jackalman
Okay, I manage to get visual c++ 6.0 and installed into my computer and just downloaded and compiled the sample code. But, I'm getting errors for incorrect links.

what errors? didn't you link glu32 opengl32 or glut32/glaux32(depend on your program) libraries?

Original post by jackalmanI guess I'm in debug mode, how do I get to release mode for visual c++ 6.0?

menu -> build -> Set active configuration Select release and click ok
Well I linked the 3 header files, OpenGL32.lib, GLu32.lib, and GLaux.lib, to the win32 application and setted it to release mode, but now I get a fatal error saying:
"fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive
Error executing cl.exe"
Did I input the correct libraries right?

you need to turn off precompiled headers

project | properties | configuration properties | c/c++ | precompiled headers | create/use precompiled header


not using precompiled headers

or create a new project that doent use precompiled headers
Well sorry for trying to learn something! I meant to say libraries. You must be really unhappy with your life to lash out at somebody at an internet forum. So, keep any extreme negative comments to YOURSELF!!!!
Hi there jackalman. I don't know if you've got yourself sorted with the other peoples help or whether you're still after some help. If you're still after getting started with OpenGL using Dev-C++ then try starting at lesson 2 in NeHe's fine tutorials, this is the pretty much the most basic thing you can do with OpenGL: setting up a window and drawing a triangle and rectangle.

A problem you may encounter with the tutorial is the lack of the 'glaux.h' header file, I can't remember whether Dev-C++ comes with it or not so I've put it up on my FTP space for you, clicky. You'll need to put this file into the 'Dev-Cpp\include\GL' directory if you get a compile time error like 'gl\glaux.h: No such file or directory.'.

Don't let the Anonymous Poster put you off. The community here at NeHe is excellent and very helpful, I don't know whether the AP was trying to be clever but I think they need to remember that everyone has to start somewhere.

Best of luck with this and welcome to the wonderful (if somewhat confusing) world of OpenGL ;)
Darren Clark
Thanks eSCHEn!

I finally got the darn thing to work right, because when i opened a new win32 application for visual c++ 6.0, its asked to choose between a blank project, a win32 project, and a third option. So, I blantantly picked win32 project, and what I needed to do what to create a blank one. Anyway, I'm well on my way to learning OpenGL.

As for AP, I don't know if we heard the last of him. When I checked his member name, he had no date of membership next to it. Since you need to register an id to get in, I guess AP hacked his way in and posted the message, unless there was a way to post without registering. But that's just worrying too much!

Other than that, I hope to get to know you guys (and gals) a lot more.
Later days.

Hey I looked up the internet and stores for NVIDIA and ATI graphic cards, but I don't know which is best for my PC and OS, which is window 2000 nt. And where is the best place to get them for a good bargain and in good condition with a minimal risk of getting conned?

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