Original post by MikeD
This would be my understanding of Unicorn from analogy, all of which require experience, none of which might be true.
...but you've not actually experienced the Unicorn, so by your earlier reasoning, you could not say you understand Unicorns, only the components of imagined Unicorns. I do note that you're not actually in disagreement with your earlier comments... but now you claim to have an understanding of the Unicorn based on an understanding of the parts. Or are you still just saying that the only thing you understand is the parts and how they might reasonably interrelate given your other beliefs about the laws of nature?
If this is what you're saying, then I think you're actually closer to my definition of understanding based on models than you might think you are. I still believe that understanding depends only on knowing the properties of a thing (object or event) and the relationships between the thing and other things. What else is there? Therefore, for the Unicorn, understanding could be attained by knowing about the component parts and how they relate to form the Unicorn and then knowing how the Unicorn relates with its environment. Now, I certainly agree that without actually seeing a Unicorn in its natural environment, one's understanding may be limited (because one is unlikely to be able to fully define all of the relationships the Unicorn has with its environment unless one completely understands the Universe). However, does not completely understanding something mean that we don't understand it at all?
Shall we find a definition of qualia we both like and discuss things based on that?
I'm not convinced that qualia is necessary for understanding. If I had to give a definition that I felt comfortable with, I would say that qualia is the essence of a thing from which, according to the laws of physics, all observables of instances of the thing are drawn.
I'd like to hear some examples of properties that don't require observers.
Do you believe that if you killed off all of the observers in the Universe, the Universe would not exist, or the objects and events within the Universe would not have properties? I agree that it would no longer exist for those observers. However, imagine an external observer who can see that the Universe exists, both before the internal observers are killed and after. This observer cannot see into the Universe to observe the properties of things in the Universe, but it can verify the continued existance of the Universe. Do the things inside the Universe no longer exist simply because some of the atoms in the Universe change their state? I don't think that's probable. The insides of atomic nuclei still exist even though I cannot see them. I can perform an experiment on a nuclei on one day and obtain results and I can perform that experiment the next day and receive the same results (within my ability to measure comparable results). I cannot see the quarks in the nucleus nor can I observe them directly. Does that mean they don't have properties?
Indeed, while I believe in subjective reality, I believe this only exists in so far as we are subjective about our beliefs about the Universe. That does not mean the Universe itself is subjective. Thus, I believe that there are properties of objects that exist without observers.
However, I do agree that if we were to try and measure these properties, we are necessarily thrust into the realm of subjectivity. Then, scientific method is a good tool to use to attempt to narrow down the plausible objective value of that property at the time of measurement. Can science give us absolutes? I don't believe so. But that doesn't mean we are unable to form reasonable (subjective) beliefs about the objective properties of things.
I agree then that understanding is subjective and I agree that it may therefore be impossible to formulate an objective understanding within communication between two observers, only a communal understanding. However, I do believe that two observers can agree on a joint understanding and that through independent observation it may be possible to tune that understanding to reflect the objective reality, even though neither of them will be able to prove that this is the case.