
[java] java and directx

Started by October 21, 2000 12:29 AM
2 comments, last by pcvsee 24 years, 2 months ago
I''m not sure if this is a stupid question but is it possible to integrate java and directx together, or use directx api''s in java? I''m still new at java, and I have a project in school which requires to write a nice program in java.
At the moment no such Java interface exists. You can access part of directX through Java3D (Direct3D) but the rest of DirectX cannot, except if you use Microsofts SDK for Java (downloadable for free from Microsoft). This library supports DirectX 3.0 (way old, but better than nothing) but requires you to use Microsofts Java compiler and virtual machine.

There is nothing, however, preventing somebody from building such a wrapper oneself. I am myself planning to do a directX wrapper for my JWindows system (See it at but I haven''t gotten around to it yet.

Jacob Marner
Jacob Marner, M.Sc.Console Programmer, Deadline Games
thanks felonius for the help. i would just like to know what are wrappers anyway? is it easy to make them assuming i have a good background in using c++ ( at least i think i do)? i visited your site and downloaded jwindows though i haven''t actually tried to run it yet. how exactly can i contribute in the development of jwindows because i really like your idea?

A wrapper is something that wraps something in.

Say you have a class method in C++ that is called

The wrapper is then the piece of code that makes a function in Java also called and when foo() is called by a Java program then MyClass::foo() is called in C++.

This sounds simple but if you try to wrap things such as Window message handlers, call back functions, virtual methods and so on it gets *very* complicated. Furthermore, C++ does not have garbage collection while Java does. This gives a lot of problems.

All this I have solved, and know it is a matter of simply adding more calls and classes to the library.

To get started you should have some knowledge of how JWindows works for the user. Start by looking at the samples, and when you understand them come back again. I will answer any questions you may have.

To contribute I would recommend starting with something simple and then gradually making more advanced things. It depends on what you want to do. What really is needed at the moment is some documentation on how to use the JWindows API. If you would like to do some of this I would be very pleased.

I am currently writing a report for my university describing how to write wrappers between C++/Java. It are to be turned in next month and you might be interested in reading it when it is done as it explain how many things in JWindows work internally. It will be available on-line when I am done.

Jacob Marner

Edited by - felonius on October 21, 2000 10:09:56 AM
Jacob Marner, M.Sc.Console Programmer, Deadline Games

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