Quote:Original post by Madster -Is there a reason a primary (anchor NPC) would become a secondary (free NPC) or the other way around? are there restrictions to such change? i can imagine one would only change from primary to secondary but not backwards... since the secondary changes and you don't know beforehand what he'll be like before the end of the chapter, thus precluding him from anchoring the story. |
Well, a demotion or promotion could occur as part of a plot twist, and, in fact, those sorts of changes are some of the best moments in cinematic history. Janet Leigh's character in
Psycho and Kevin Spacey's Kayzer Soze in
The Usual Suspects are just two examples, although the former goes from primary to secondary while the latter goes from primary to "Mythological Proportion." This usually is the director employing
misdirection to suggest that the narrative heads in one direction, then pulling a switcheroo and heading off in another.
The other reason for actor shifts from primary to secondary is narrative arcs. In long-running narratives such as television shows with large casts, not every character can play a central role in every episode. Consequently, pertinent to the issues of a particular episode, a certain subset of the cast (sometimes as few as a single character) becomes primary while others become secondary. Since our objectives here including both dramatic gameplay and episodic gameplay, a soap opera or primetime drama type game is not out of the question, where each play session corrals a subset of the characters, establishes a premise and sets the protagonist/Actor (user) off on a quest to resolve all tensions.
I can see it now...
General Hospital for PlayStation 3... :P
Quote:-We've liberally used the idea of symbolic icons and responses that cause psychologycal effects on the NPCs, and that they react based on their traits and allegiances. I can easily imagine a way to represent allegiances (single float for each pair) but how would we represent traits? and how would we calculate the effects of each dialog? how would the NPC decide their replies and how would that affect our own player? how would you measure the internal state of the NPCs? would the player have an internal state? |
[Edit: Oops. Skipped this question initially.]
Personality traits are, on a very basic level, just tendencies toward a certain outcome. For ten tries faced with a certain situation/choice, how many times would the character respond in a particular way? In implementation terms, it's a threshold for a bounded random number generation (if we only allow numbers in the range
[A, B] and the trait tendency is
X%, then every "throw" that falls between
(A - B) ± (X / 2) will yield that trait outcome).
Quote:-Oluseyi, aiming to your idea of a game, since the conclusion is open: how would you decide when the game has been finished? do you score the player? |
The current game - and this is an important distinction, because this technology could lead to games that can create a huge number of narratives, obviously varying on themes - is completed when all tensions have been resolved and there are no further tensions to add. A pregnant woman is a source of tension (will she have the baby? will the baby be healthy? etc, etc). Catching your girlfriend kissing the rugged, good looking doctor from Australia is a source of tension (why was she kissing him? will you take her back? does she
want you to take her back? is it over? is she going to be seeing him, or was she just trying to get out of your relationship?) If we consider each "tension generator" as a collection of "tension vectors" (each of the questions raised by the event), then tensions have been resolved when all the tension vectors have been erase - when all the questions have been answered.
How those questions are answered comprises the "story," which is what the user can then export and share with friends.
Quote:-Tension control was mentioned. This is akin to scripting the scenes dynamically in order to maximize fun (heh... Your job in this company is to maximize fun!). With a behavioural narrative, how could this be achieved? i can imagine having characters 'stumble' upon the player (interruptions as seen in my thread) when the tension meter goes low (ratings!) but forcing interactions seems... well, forced, considering the world model. Also, how would Tension be measured? |
There are elegant ways to introduce tension. Say the play is lagging and dragging the narrative down, we could initiate an event and then select an appropriate (and semi-random) means of communicating awareness of that event to the user. There could be a newspaperboy on the corner shouting "EXTRA! EXTRA! Man found dead wearing Paratrooper uniform!", which would draw the user toward him. If the situation gets dire enough, we could forcibly inject interactions by having "bad guys" come looking for the user because "they heard he was snooping around, looking into things" and their boss "wants to talk to him."
The available injection vectors will have to be specified as part of the diegesis by the writer(s) and designer(s), but the runtime narrative agent will then employ them to help guide the player toward meaningful interaction. Another aspect that deserves mention, however, is that the narrative agent will also need to forestall
excess tension, perhaps by relocating a character to postpone interaction with the user ("I came by earlier." "I was in Philly. My Aunt Lois just died." "I'm sorry to hear that." "Whaddayagonnado?" "To business?" "Yeah, whatever.")