Would it be possible for one of you guys to send me the DevIL SDK? For some odd reason source forges d/l server can't read the file, so I can't get it basically :/
Does anyone here have AIM or MSN and could send me it?
I'de appreciate it alot,
How to program a chess: a forum based tutorial
If I remember correctly, the devil link was broken. If you do a bit of searching (through source forge) you should be able to find it. I have also included a direct link to the sdk in the inc file.
Quote: you really want to create your own assets then you're probably going to have to write an asset exporter from blender or something
can anyone tell me, where I can learn how to write plugin and the coding to write the asset exporter?
Working on that right now...Instad of coding a chess logic engine from scratch, we can actually use a pre-made chess engine to do our work.
Quote: Instad of coding a chess logic engine from scratch, we can actually use a pre-made chess engine to do our work.
That's great..
by the way.. Is it possible to run the model loading in visual c++
by the way.. Is it possible to run the model loading in visual c++
Yup, just compile and run the gl_basecode. It uses our model loading classes to load environment.r3d, which was exported from our milkshape plugin, and display it on the screen.
wow.... the enviroment model is very nice.. it's extremely perfect design... :) haha great....
Wow, you guys are moving right along arn't you. I haven't checked the thread for the last few days so I've missed alot.
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