
Compiling Kyra's source for windows

Started by December 19, 2004 09:25 AM
7 comments, last by Doc 20 years, 2 months ago
Hello to you all! I am a new SDL fannie, and I desperately need to start using the SDL-oriented-Sprite-Engine "Kyra" for my high-school purposes. The thing is is that I've spent about a week trying to compile the source so that I could start using it. Unfortunately, my pc is having problems with it, and it really frustrates me. If anyone could please compile and send it to me, I'll be really really grateful. My time is running short, and I have no idea how to fix the problem. =Apprantly I'm missing lots of dll's (which i should have, like jpeg.dll and java.dll) and after i d/led them (from The thing still refuses to co-operate with me. I'll put the link to the library and information on how to compile it. The thing should take more than 5 minutes work. It works really fast, and it's not a heavy think at all. Here is the main Kyra site: Here is where you'll get the source library (at the bottom): Here is the info on how to build it (it is really short and not complicated): And this is my email: Please, I do not want you to think of me as a lazy person, asking others to do the dirty work. It's just that I've wasted so much time trying to make it work, and still to no avail. I don't have the time to learn how to compile the stuff, I really have to start working with the library soon. If one of you could compile and send me the binary (ready to work for windows), that would really help me, thank you a lot.
___________________________"Peg, is there a certain reason that cactus is standing in the place where my alarm clock should be?"
If anyone could please compile and send it to me, I'll be really really grateful. My time is running short, and I have no idea how to fix the problem. =Apprantly I'm missing lots of dll's (which i should have, like jpeg.dll and java.dll) and after i d/led them (from The thing still refuses to co-operate with me.

What exact problems are you having? Compiling the library does not need any .dlls. Dlls are for when you are running an executable.
I follow the instructions, and when i come to build the demo and other stuff he sais i'm missing various dll's. after i installed them it sais something about line 50 in the jpeg.dll

i dunno
anywayz, i still have to build the demo and stuff there in order to use the thingy.

the demo will greatly help me and all

and not just that, after i build, i can't find the *.h and other files that were compiled

i dunno, i just don't understand in that kind of stuff
___________________________"Peg, is there a certain reason that cactus is standing in the place where my alarm clock should be?"
Check your Private Messages. (Top right of the top of this page)
I'm having a problem with this also. When I run the batch file (not batch build), it says "Error: Procedure entry point not found in SDL.dll." I have the DLL in my System32 directory. Why doesn't it work?
I think that's just god's will. :(

A friend compiled and sent it ready to me
Do you want me to send it to you?
___________________________"Peg, is there a certain reason that cactus is standing in the place where my alarm clock should be?"
Yeah, could you do that Twiggy?

My email address is
check your email, buddy :)
___________________________"Peg, is there a certain reason that cactus is standing in the place where my alarm clock should be?"
Original post by CodeTitan
I'm having a problem with this also. When I run the batch file (not batch build), it says "Error: Procedure entry point not found in SDL.dll." I have the DLL in my System32 directory. Why doesn't it work?

Have you tried putting the dll into the working dir with the exe?
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.

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