
OpenAL Problems

Started by December 17, 2004 02:33 PM
1 comment, last by BrianMJC 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi all, I have agreed to purchase an OpenAL-based audio library from another programmer to handle Ogg Vorbis and wav files, but I'm having problems with his demo, and neither of us knows why. He says it works for his four other customers and on his PC, but on my PC it doesn't play Ogg files correctly. It skips through the files every time (sounds like a really dirty CD playing), and occasionally the error report window pops up asking me to send a report to Microsoft. So far, I've downloaded the OpenAL32.dll (Dec 5th revision) and put it in my windows/system folder, I've also tried ogg.dll and oal.dll (from the site), used the redistributable installer from one of's links, and finally I've tried a number of sample Ogg files and even remade a few using Advanced WMA Workshop. I get the same (or similar) results each time. I am running Windows XP Pro, and so is he. Anybody have any ideas about this? Something else I need to install perhaps? Does OpenAL work with DirectSound 9 (I have the Dec 5th revision of OpenAL32.dll which I imagine would rectify such an issue)? I appreciate any help as always. :)
Windows Beta
A beta OpenAL library is available which supports Ogg Vorbis playback. This library is truly beta, so it is not reccomended to switch from the current library unless you really want to try out the new architecture and/or the Ogg Vorbis extension. To install, place the wrap_oal.dll file in your system directory (it is reccomended that you keep a backup of your old wrap_oal.dll). You MUST have already installed the current version of OpenAL available from Creative or NVIDIA, which includes the OpenAL32.dll router library.

Straight from the OpenAL page, so I don't know of any fixes yet.
Oh, thanks Drew, turned out all I needed was a different .dll.

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