
[java] Vampire

Started by October 19, 2000 08:56 AM
-1 comments, last by felonius 24 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I might be slow but I just now tried out Vampire - the Masqarade and am impressed with it. After looking at it I realized that the scripts all are written in Java (the file from JDK 1.1 is even part of the distribution) and run in interpreted form. Making the scripting language in Java and making the engine in C++ is quite an excellent idea. It shows one way to do what I always argue for, namelly to put the things that need high performance in C++, and put all the control stuff that often is quite buggy in Java. What is important is that the 3D engine uses so much processing power that the control code uses a small percentage of the overall time of processor and any slowdowns are therefore insignificant. Vampire shows how this really is a good idea. I think it will be a long time before 100% Java commercial games will see the light of day but this mixing solution is the way forward the next years for those developers not so narrowsighted as most are. I am currently using a strategy for my own project where the engine is in C++ but it is wrapped with JNI so all the rest is in Java including all game logic and AI. This engine wrapper will be published under LGPL when it is done, so it might be a solution for other people here too. If you haven''t my article about mixing Java and C++ for games you should read it at: Jacob Marner
Jacob Marner, M.Sc.Console Programmer, Deadline Games

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