AP, you are a disgrace to the Anonymous Poster name. If you''re somebody w/ a login (which you probably are, since you know of Landfish.com), you really need to sprout some balls. Maybe you''re just bitter. Who knows. Who cares? Whatever.
I know that most professional game designers are avid readers. I know alot of amateurs that aren''t. I don''t want to draw any hasty conclusions, but still. . .
We need messiness in games. We need small details that don''t quite fit, but work anyway. We need don''t need realism in games, but we
do need a
condensation of reality-
Not the dunder that usually fills the space between your ears.

How exciting is
your life? Exciting enough to be a game? SimGameDeveloper. . .now
there''s a catchy title

. At the risk of redundancy. . .
how are you going to model something you know jacksh*t about?. Go guerilla! Computer Games will always be the province of middle-class white males, as long as that is the experience that they model. If you want to model interpersonal relations, go insult a total stranger! Tell them their mother smells like pig sweat! Go ahead, it''s research.

How did they react? Good, there''s your model. Don''t read a physics book on ballistics if you want to model a sniper''s business. Go get your hands on a gun and do some freakin'' target practice (well, ok, you should read a physics book too.)
How are you going to model an experience you''ve never had? Obviously we can''t experience everything first-hand, but we should at least be reading first-hand accounts. Ask yourself- Are you looking to model reality, or an
experience? If you''re looking for the former, well, good luck. The latter is attainable, but not the way we''ve been going about it.
Oh, and BTW, I don''t have completed games, line drawings, or even a website, so *NYEEAH*

I have notebooks. Lots of ''em. (everyone has to start somewhere, right?)
If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal