Hey guys its me again [wink]. As you can see, I'm busy as a bee! Ok my question is this: Name: SDL_PollEvent -- Polls for currently pending events. Description Polls for currently pending events, and returns 1 if there are any pending events, or 0 if there are none available. If event is not NULL, the next event is removed from the queue and stored in that area. Example:
while( SDL_PollEvent(&event) )
// Process events
My question is that in my engine's loop, instead of calling SDL_PollEvent via a while loop, I am doing it via a if statement.
if ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) )
... Process Event...
... Draw Update Etc ...
As you can see, it will perform the same functionality as the while loop, becauseas long as there is an event, nothing will be draw, but is this correct? I was thinking I should draw every frame, whether there is a event or not, but I don't know if that is logical. I was also thinking, should I just use the while loop, or is the if/else loop faster? In the engine itself, it is only processing 2 events - event.type == SDL_QUIT and event.type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT to know when to exit and know when *not* to draw/update. Thanks!
[Edited by - Drew_Benton on May 25, 2005 9:29:51 PM]