
A new form of MMO

Started by December 07, 2004 11:31 PM
0 comments, last by Cosmic One 20 years, 2 months ago
You may have read my thread about why I hate current implementions of mmorpgs, and mmos in general. MMORPGS: Flawed paradigm I really like the concept of playing with thousands of similtaneous players, but I cannot figure out an idea that would be fun. I came up with an idea I like in that thread, as well as heard a few ones that had potential, but they would be too much work to implement. So I was trying to think of a relativly simple game that would be fun to play online in a mmo setting. Not even an rpg. In fact, preferably not one, and a game that would not need a powerful server with tons of bandwidth. For example, tetris was a fun game and not complex. I would like to think of the mmo equivelent of tetris (and I do not mean that literally). Maybe the best mmo does not even need characters. Tetris has none. I played a tale in the desert too. It was fun until I got to egypt. THat was when I realized it would be tedious to progress. So any idea?
--------------------------I present for tribute this haiku:Inane Ravings OfThe Haunting JubilationA Mad Engineer©Copyright 2005 ExtrariusAll Rights Reserved
I threw some ideas together for an out of the ordinary MMO here a while back, in case you care to take a look. Those are mostly my thoughts on more unique MMOs... if you want yet another lengthy "what's wrong with MMORPs" thread, just go looking for 2 seconds.

As ever,

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