LuaBind and Singletons
I have a basic singleton class that i want to bind to lua. class singleton { public static singleton* GetInstance() { if( !m_pInstance ) { m_pInstance = new singleton; } return m_pInstance; } void donothing() {} // Disabled private: singleton(); singleton(const singleton&) singleton& operator =(const singleton&); // Attributes private: static singleton* m_pInstance; }; singleton* singleton::m_pInsntace = 0; In luabind i would bind the class like this: module( lua ) [ class_< singleton >( "singleton" ) .def( "getinstance", &singleton::GetInstance ) .def( "donothing", &singleton::donothing ) ]; Here's the error I'm getting: C2660: 'luabind::detail::overload_rep::overload_rep' : function does not take 2 arguments The error goes away when I take the line with the "GetInstance" away. [Edited by - jackiechan on December 5, 2004 2:34:47 PM]
Did you solve the problem? I also had some problems with singletons and luabind.
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not yet, there was an older post with the same problem. the issue wasn't resolved then either. i'm asking around including the luabind authors. so far nothing yet =\
found it! expose the class and all the non-static members first. then expose the static member function by itself:
module( lua )
class_< singleton >( "singleton" )
.def( "donothing", &singleton::donothing )
,def( "getinstance", &singleton::GetInstance ) // like this
module( lua )
class_< singleton >( "singleton" )
.def( "donothing", &singleton::donothing )
,def( "getinstance", &singleton::GetInstance ) // like this
Thanks for the tip! I have to test that.. It would make my lua scripts much cleaner.
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I don't think I'm doing it right.. I get complaints that my destructor is private (which it is). Hmh..
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