
New SDL Game (Now With Online HighScores!)

Started by December 01, 2004 07:37 PM
23 comments, last by Drew_Benton 20 years, 2 months ago
RBlocks - Direct Download It's a horribly done Tetris clone. Please tell me if you find any bugs (there are probably millions). Oh, thank you goes to IFooBar for the graphics and coldacid for the... the... something. I plan on putting in a background image as well as a highscore system. Would you guys mind testing that as well?
Arrows - Move
Up - Rotate
Space - Insta-Down
[Edited by - Rob Loach on December 7, 2004 3:28:25 PM]
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
The only real problem I found atm is that the blocks are not randomly generated enough. I found myself getting the same blocks 3 or 4 times in a row.
My JournalComputer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter. (Eric Raymond)"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes itharder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."-- Bjarne Stroustrup
nice job. the only other problem (besides the one mentioned above) was that the app didn't close (or do anything) when the window close (X) was clicked. besides that, it was good. i liked the texture on the blocks; solid + shiny gets annoying quickly.
- stormrunner
that's a great start! now you need some scoring.. :-) you could do some little animated effects in the background too, or even on the blocks.

did anyone ever play xixit or chain reaction? They were two great tetris clones with some really spiffy graphics and music (almost entirely done by demo sceners. the game itself was done by tran, of pmode fame).

Very good, my only niggle is that in the original game, there was no collision with the top of the board during a rotation. You can't instantly rotate certian pieces(like the long piece) when they appear, you have to wait two clicks before you can rotate it.

Besides that, nice.
Well, I guess my problem sort of qualifies as a bug :) I managed to get the left leaner block, get this, 13 times in a row! Perhaps you need to work on the randomization a tiny bit? :D Other then that, it worked pretty well.
Free speech for the living, dead men tell no tales,Your laughing finger will never point again...Omerta!Sing for me now!
just a thought...

shouldn't this be in "Your Announcements"
I like it but when pressing space te block should go faster not just going to the bottom immediately. And you should be able to hold the button instead of pressing down alot of times to let the block go faster to the bottom like you need to do with the down arror key.

Good job, and good luck wih further programming,

Original post by DigitalChaos
shouldn't this be in "Your Announcements"
I just needed initial testers and some quick feedback. But, I'll ask someone to move it to the Alternative Game Library thread....

Original post by SirLuthor
Well, I guess my problem sort of qualifies as a bug :) I managed to get the left leaner block, get this, 13 times in a row! Perhaps you need to work on the randomization a tiny bit? :D Other then that, it worked pretty well.
Imagine the odds [smile]. I'll rework my random number generator.

Original post by Binomine
Very good, my only niggle is that in the original game, there was no collision with the top of the board during a rotation. You can't instantly rotate certian pieces(like the long piece) when they appear, you have to wait two clicks before you can rotate it.
Good point, I'll implement that, somehow.

Original post by stormrunner
nice job. the only other problem (besides the one mentioned above) was that the app didn't close (or do anything) when the window close (X) was clicked.
Haha, that's weird.

Thanks alot for testing it you guys. I'll try to implement everything. A new version should be up sometime. Mind testing that one too? [smile]

[Edited by - Rob Loach on December 2, 2004 8:19:51 AM]
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]

Imagine the odds [smile]. I'll rework my random number generator.

Indeed :D There are what, 7 blocks? And so there is a 1/7 chance of getting it once [grin] So 13 times is... 1/96889010407. Not a large number! [oh] You may want to, instead of randomly generating a tile each time, have a set stack of, say, 20 of each tile, that gets randomized before each game, and shoved into a stack, which is just drawn off of, as needed. That would, methinks, give a more rounded outcome!


Thanks alot for testing it you guys. I'll try to implement everything. A new version should be up sometime. Mind testing that one too? [smile]

As someone has probably said at least once in history, there is no such thing as 'too many tetris games'! Rest assured, you make it, and people will come!
Free speech for the living, dead men tell no tales,Your laughing finger will never point again...Omerta!Sing for me now!

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