
What Programming Languages?

Started by October 16, 2000 09:56 AM
19 comments, last by Stormfury 24 years, 2 months ago
I don''t really want to get into a heated debate about what is the best technology etc... I simply am curious as to what you guys are all coding your games in? I am working on a game myself and I know that VB is not the fastest and greatest game platform, but from realistic perspective I have little time as it is and know VB well from years of business apps. Thus making it possible for me to play with creating a game. A lifelong dream! I am about to transition into the java world as my company is moving into that world now. Who knows maybe then I can convert it. :o) Storm
I, personally, am coding in C++ using DirectX. While there are many issues concerning DirectX vs. OpenGL, I want to learn DirectX first because it seems to have better total support of hardware, meaning that there is a lot of hardware that it more or less (sometimes poorly) supports. It's not perfect, but it's good enough for me, for now.
VB is nice for writing quick apps, but I don't know how good it really is, in the long run, for games. I have no doubt that you could write some pretty cool games with it, but because it's pretty slow you're kinda out of luck when it comes to more processor intensive stuff...
Java *shudder* is, IMHO and in the current state it's in, evil. It's way too slow. While it's nice that you have garbage collection and real OOP in Java, the virtual machine aspect and inefficiency of the garbage collector are things to watch out for. Besides, any decent C++ programmer can write his code so that it does its own garbage collection in a much nicer and more efficient way. (I know I can...) Java's getting better though, and I wouldn't be surprised if in a short while (half a year?) we start seeing some really nice developments. The only other drawback, being that I'm a C++ programmer by nature, is that Java is way too protective. I like having access to EVERYTHING!!! Although the security is great for web based apps, I don't know if it's really the best way to go for games. However, I'd be willing to give it a chance if Sun gave it a nice speed boost


Edited by - Xelius on October 16, 2000 11:20:24 AM
-------------------"Pointer?" -Anonymous-=Xelius=-
Actually it is somewhat of a myth that Java is too slow to make games with. Fact is there are a number of games, many of them commercial releases, that are developed partly or entirely in Java (there is a partial list on the FAQ mentioned below).

It is true that Java is not as fast as well developed C++. However, It is fast enough to develop many genre''s of games (Turn-based strategy, RPG''s using tile-based engines). With the use of thrid party libraries, such as Magician (an OpenGL binding for Java) it is even possible to make 3D accelerated games. The important question is not if Java is faster than C++, but is it fast enough to support the game you have in mind. If it is you will save substantial time and effort using the more productive language.

If you want more information you can check out the FAQ for the Gamedev Java game development thread:

On to VB:

With the DirectX links now available in DirectX 7 it is perfectly possible to develop good games in VB. Some of the functions provided by VB are not as fast as alternatives in C++ (it is easy to write string handeling functions in C++ that out-perform those provided by VB). Using VB presents the same trade off as Java - you may sacrifice performance, but you gain productivity. There are a number of good links to VB game development sites in the Gamedev resources if you want more information. One that I used as a reference before I moved to Java was .
The actual engine is in C++ using DirectX (DDraw). We are also writing development tools to help us with the lower level (read: tedious) stuff which is being done in VB. I personally have used VB for performance testing and as a means of quick debugging. I think we have some assembly in there somewhere or was going to be there....

Enoch DagorLead DeveloperDark Sky EntertainmentBeyond Protocol
Anything above VB 5.0 will do for games. Actually, 4 and less will too, but VB5 really started getting fast) It''s fast enough for most stuff, and can easily access DirectX 7 for hardware acceled graphics etc.
If you''re just starting out, go for VB.
To date we have used Delphi for our client-side (Windows) software, and ANSI C for our server processes.

It works so we''re unlikely to change anytime soon...

Samu Games
Wow, I had no idea there was an 3D accelerated library for Java.. that rocks. hmmmmm....

See what you did, you got me thunkin''

-------------------"Pointer?" -Anonymous-=Xelius=-

Thank you so much, Jerry Lynn. I am working on an iso engine in java at the moment (ok, at the moment I am still working on the concept and not on the code itself). And I have never ever found a good Java-Iso homepage. Thank you so much for that link and if you have more, feel free to post them.


Yeah... it''s true, VB is not the best you can program games with. Personally, may first game was programmed with QuickBasic, if you want, you can see it in my site: (sorry it''s Lithuanian version of the page at this time).. Then I moved to C++. Yeah it''s really powerfull tool... But, what about Java, I think if you programm your games in Internet it will be quite good.
Good luck !
One gamemaker for All and All for One !

(yeah.. sorry if my english is not very good )

Algirdas NoreikaKTU student, Kaunas Lithuaniaemail1: algirdas_n@centras.ltemail2: alphanoria@gdnmail.netwww page:

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