quote: Original post by Nazrix
I kind of like the chart idea. It's pretty interesting. The player could pick where he wants to swing instead of hitting a button. Thanks for the suggestion.
I also like the chart idea, however as Spazboy gives it it sounds more given to turn-based play. If one were to do it this way you could have FF style "turn-bars" that charge between turns.
An idea I had was for a real-time battle, with or without a chart-like device to target from: have the battle move in slower motion. That way it would be much easier to aim/target and hit or block, something you probably couldn't do well with just a mouse and keyboard. It might even look cool, like a John Woo action sequence with swords. You would have to try the idea out beforehand to even consider using it though.
Nothing is difficult, only the mind makes it so.
Edited by - CrankDude on October 24, 2000 11:06:10 PM