
Sword Fighting - RPG

Started by October 15, 2000 05:38 PM
77 comments, last by Nazrix 24 years, 4 months ago
Original post by ahw

Well, I was thinking of movies, for reference. And I remembered the Highlander serie. I mean, there are countless fights in this show, and yet they are all quite different. One thing that doesnt change though, is that most of the time, one blow kills (head off). The rest is attack/parry, attack/avoid, run around the place, etc ... but they rarely hit. when they do, it hurts a lot, and they start doing the whole thing again, until one guy usually attack too stongly, Duncan using this to place his mighty strike quickening, fade to black.

I guess for a game, there is something a bit annoying at being killed on the first blow. But I also notice that nowadays RPG (pen&paper ones), are more and more aiming at this kind of gameplay, with fights being fast, furious, and more often than not, lethal. If you decide to go into a fight, it''s because you know you have the skills, and you know you will win. Otherwise, you think twice about it, or you evade the danger using your brains.

youpla :-P

yes...exactly what I am thinking

"""" "'Nazrix is cool' -- Nazrix" --Darkmage --Godfree"-Nazrix" -- runemaster --and now dwarfsoft" -- dwarfsoft --pouya --nes8bit --CmndrM " -- Nazrix

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"You know you're cool when you're in Nazrix's sig :) " --Martee
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Original post by Wavinator
Just a note, since I didn't see it mentioned: If combat is infrequent and deadly, then you're going to need __MANY__ options for training. Otherwise, you'll have repeat and die gameplay, where you face a baddy, haven't mastered the controls yet, and have to continuously reload.

The thing about the swarms of badguys you get in Diablo is that, while being a killfest, it's at least great practice for the tougher levels.

Just waiting for the mothership...

Yes, but what if you could complete the game using diplomacy and creativity, or even deceit? I'm not sure if I'd go quite to that extreme, but I'm certainly thinking about it. I do agree. It would be nice to have a training ground for the players that want to be more violent

Thanks for the suggestion...

"""" "'Nazrix is cool' -- Nazrix" --Darkmage --Godfree"-Nazrix" -- runemaster --and now dwarfsoft" -- dwarfsoft --pouya --nes8bit --CmndrM " -- Nazrix

"If your parents didn't explain this one, I'm not going to." --Felisandria
"You know you're cool when you're in Nazrix's sig " --Martee
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Edited by - Nazrix on October 16, 2000 4:11:58 PM
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Original post by Nazrix

Yes, but what if you could complete the game using diplomacy and creativity, or even deceit? I''m not sure if I''d go quite to that extreme, but I''m certainly thinking about it. I do agree. It would be nice to have a training ground for the players that want to be more violent

Just saying Naz that whatever you give them, they need to be able to practice and fumble around with. That''s the advantage of Goblin Genocide gameplay. It lets you practice for the dragons!

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Good point, Wav. I had never thought of it that way

"""" "'Nazrix is cool' -- Nazrix" --Darkmage --Godfree"-Nazrix" -- runemaster --and now dwarfsoft" -- dwarfsoft --pouya --nes8bit --CmndrM " -- Nazrix

"If your parents didn't explain this one, I'm not going to." --Felisandria
"You know you're cool when you're in Nazrix's sig :) " --Martee
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Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Back in the times of lore, when men were real Men and women were Real Women... and so on, there where Tournaments. (they had another name which escapes me right now) Soldiers and Knights would fight for the kiss of a fair maiden (and the huge prize money, status and employment opportunities).
Any way we have this stadium (or field with stalls) and 60+ brave knights. Now if these guys fought with real weapons the King would have a major recruitment drive after each event. Of course this didn''t happen. During these Tourneys knights used blunt swords and pummeled each other. Not saying a falchion traveling at 100 mph in a 60 degree arc toward your head is safe, but is does make armour more effective in stopping the blow.
What I''m trying to say is you don''t NEED to go goblin twating to get your Experience. You can go through training, tournaments and minor skirmishes. If you are going to have hoards of creatures. Think them out. Have a good WHY behind them.
Also if you''re going for the movie one on one style it makes Hoard o'' creatures even more un-necessary. Have a mission to go into the woods to take out a mercenary. When you encounter him, he''ll have all his mates there, but you can challenge him one on one. While the real truth may be different, honour at the point in history was next to God so he''ll except.

What else do you need; besides a miricle.
Money. Lots of Money. or I''ll never do a sequel!
What else do you need; besides a miricle.Money. Lots of Money. or I''ll never do a sequel!
aaaaaah *sigh of relief* So I am not the only other person who thought of using a weapon for practice rather than just killing... you know, when you use a wooden sword, or a bamboo katana, you get a good practice without the lethal aspect (well, unless you really really really want to kill your opponent).

the word you are looking for is "joust" I believe.
I also recall a Gauntlet game in the movie First Knight, where our brave Lancelot can practice is agility skill without venture outside in a dark and dangerous dungeon.

*activate sarcasm mode* Of course, you need designers with a bit of reference culture to come up with so original ideas.

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Hey natrix, this type of fighting could be included in the perfect rpg that we were talking about.

It is foolish for a wise man to be silent, but wise for a fool.
Original post by TheRealMAN11

Hey natrix, this type of fighting could be included in the perfect rpg that we were talking about.


hey...glad you feel that way
I think it would be interesting if you actually had to think about what you were doing in combat in an RPG and not just let your stats do absolutely everything. Combat should include tactics and should be potentially dangerous.

""You see... I'm not crazy... you see?!? Nazrix believes me!" --Wavinator
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So Realistic 2D sword fighting ehhh?

Sounds like a good Idea maybe you can even make it two player. The whole Idea about Enemy AI is cool but I somtimes get a sence of power when I destroy 5 enemys at once and my side kick says"Your the man!!" like Lord Soth from the raven loft aventures

Good luck with the programming
==--When the time comes you will realize but no sooner.--==
Well, in my game, you won''t be fighting 5 enemies at once and live. How the hell are you going to do that if it''s realistic?

""You see... I'm not crazy... you see?!? Nazrix believes me!" --Wavinator
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself.
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi

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