
about MMORPGs multiple characters per account..

Started by November 12, 2004 08:33 PM
24 comments, last by nagromo 20 years, 2 months ago
Okay, I know that a reason to include the posibity of having 2-4 characters per account are to let the player test other classes and/or to prevent that to test other classes the player makes another account. And I'm pretty sure there gotta be other issues. However I don't like it. I feel most players won't get as attached to it's main character as much as I would like. I know that also most players spend more time with just one character but it doesn't makes it feel any better. So I mainly want 2 kinds of feedback. First, I want to know about other problems that multiple characters per account are supposed to solve, and second a discussion about what kind of alternatives we have to that. Oh also, you can bash my theory that says that players won't get enough attachment to their main characters but please say why. I have tought that having an in game place where you can dream(a dream in the real current game world that is) being someone else, so the player can see what other classes have to offer, paying some gold for a small amount of time. And maybe it could let you change classes(make the dream a reality) permanently, of course with a moderate level fee... like the game takes away 10% of your levels, so if you are a level 100 thief you could become a level 90 fighter.
Problem it can solve.

Imagine you have many different class, like In ultima, and there's roleplay on the server. You can play one day a fierce warrior seeking duel, and the next day you might play a Wizard in need of love.

The other idea is : People who didnt play your game might want to try different class until they are bound to something that fit there gameplay.

For your idea about dream with a loss of ~10 lvl.

If your class are not well balanced, and A class can level up more faster than other class, you can see the exploit coming.

-----------------------Happiness in slavery !-----------------------
Your comment about new people wanting to try different classes seems so obvious yet it pointed a flaw in my dream suggestion. If you want to try diferent characters, liked one but wanted to try more, and then want to go back to the first, you can't because the data on that character is lost and you have to redo everything. Maybe having dreams could be stored in some sort of special recipient(for a fee, yes I want almost everything to cost money :p ) allows you to have unlimited dreams, so you can go back to a dream you had. However due to the volatile nature of dreams, they will only are able to be kept for a certain amount of time, that depends on the streght of the dream(how much experience you got for character in the dream, which is not added to the experience of the real character). That way you could go back to your dream and make it a reality. The more effort you put into it, the more time you have to make that dream real.

About class balancing, well I guess I will just have be careful to make each class to get their levels up at the same speed.
I'm wondering if there are any PvP conflicts within the game. is the action RPG based? or realtime?
One argument is that multiple characters allows wives and brothers to try the game without buying 2 accounts. They then become addicted and buy another account rather than splitting computer time.

Personally, if you want me to get super attached to my main character, I'm not going to do anything that would drop levels.

Also personally, I feel that a great amount of attachment leads to arguments and anger when people get robbed, or feel they've been slighted. Angry players are not happy paying players. I think current games provide plenty of attachment, even with multiple characters available.
I'm sorry for not replying quickly.. anyways..
You can asssume PvP conflict is something that takes part of the game. Actually I think most MMORPGs should implement them, since I find they add so much to the game.

You can asume that the game is 2D action in realtime.

About letting friends and family try the game without buying an account, I think that just to give the first month for free for new accounts is good enough to solve this issue.

About over attachment, I think that you are right, no one should be too attached to the game or a character. I'm saying that players might not feel too attached to their main player because that is what I feel. Whenever I have tried an MMORPG, I always make 1 character unless a friend of mine wants to try the game to avoid the hassle of making a new account. So far I have tried but MMORPGs that are still in beta or give you sometime for free.
You may want to put in level restrictions for PvP activity if you haven't considered it already. Otherwise you may end up with users who 'bait' others with low level characters, and then logon to another high level character on their account to pound them.

Certain conflicts of interest may arise as well. The players may use multiple accounts to utilize more skills, one character a Mage who can teleport people, and another a Healer who can ressurect people. This way he won't have any penalties for having both abilities, he simply has to switch characters. (Planetside incorporated a Timer into their Character selection menu, so that once you activate a character, you have to wait 12hrs until you can play as a different one).
Depends heavily on the game design. WoW - certainly allow multiple characters. My (conceptual) MMO would not.

Generally, if there are using skills/classes you would be cheating your players for their money if you didn't allow multiple characters - IMO.

If you have a *truely* classless system where an account represents a character, and that character is allowed to train and RETRAIN to do whatever he or she desires. Then you have something (second life)
The above post was me, I've no idea why this won't keep me logged in.
"This I Command" - Serpentor, Ruler of C.O.B.R.A
Original post by zarthrag
Generally, if there are using skills/classes you would be cheating your players for their money if you didn't allow multiple characters - IMO.

If you have a *truely* classless system where an account represents a character, and that character is allowed to train and RETRAIN to do whatever he or she desires. Then you have something (second life)

Two things.. first I don't think that it is cheating players, not if they are satisfied and had fun. My objective is not to show the players everything in the game, but to make them have fun. However some players might want to have their fun by trying everything that is in the game and they don't want to lost what they have done already, so probably I will have to think for some way of doing this without allowing multiple characters.

Second, I am trying to push for a classless system but I am not the main designer so meh :p

[Edited by - Coz on November 15, 2004 8:17:17 PM]

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