
Space sim, everythings dark, except for one side?

Started by November 09, 2004 07:37 PM
42 comments, last by johnnyBravo 20 years, 2 months ago
Those arn't my asteriods btw :)

Overlapping tiles sounds good actually

Anyway, the crew quarters will only stickout a little, and the reason I'm not doing spherical ships, is, maybe one day I intend to let people land on moons that may have atmospheres. So the ships would be slightly aero dynamic.

Also what do you think about having the ships powerplant combined with the ships engine. eg some kind of reactor engine, that you can balance between fuel usesage, power output and thrust.

I'm not going to have any of those "warp" drives, you just have to point in that direction and fire your engine. Which ofcourse would be quite hard and dangerous to do manually, so id put in an auto pilot that can avoid debris etc. and get you to your destination the best way.

Keep in mind this is all still ideas, I haven't got this far,

I was thinking about having these sections for the ship:
*crew quaters
*cargo bay
*reactor/engine room

and maybe let the player customise these, eg larger crew quarters, allows more crew, which allows quicker repairs or extra engine boosts.

And then with:
*maneurve thrusters

etc and any other accessories.

So these could be manually be placed on the outside of the ship by the player and could be destroyed by enemies.

The cameras would be your view, as i'm not puttin in windows, I don't think they are realistic enough.

The maneurve thrusters would be used to rotate your ship etc, and maybe I would let the player map them to a joystick, and depending where you placed these thrusters, it would decide on how well your ship could move, eg if you put lots of them on the nose of your ship, you might spin in circles.

All these accessories would take up energy, so it would be quite stupid to cover your entire ship in accessories.

About missiles, I thought maybe if there was a governing body at the time, they would be illegal, but still accessible. I think they would all be nukes which would make them quite dangerous if one went off too close to you.
Nice idea.

I like the idea of graviton detectors...

Perhaps a magnomiter would be in order?

You generate a huge magnetic field for a billionth of a second. you then look at where the distortions in the magnetic field are, you then use this to find things. this would be at the expence of a large cap bank, and a lot of power (fusuion reactor #2 minimum).

You could also get spotted real easy.

Also, a scanning beam.

You fire a beam of hard gammas at something.
Eventually, some of the atoms are going to fire xrays, and soft gammas back at you.

You look at the source and frequency of the gammas, and from that figure out what something is made of, and where it is.

I could imagine this being used to figure out how many torpedo's your opponant has, when he's a few light-seconds away. (and out of range).

Mementary lazer flashes, a ccd camera (very sensitive), and a computer might also be used to find other objects.

Its all up to you.
Nice coder
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An interesting way to do intersystem travel might be with 'Warp Nodes'. Now i know, worm holes and big old warp drives go a bit out there, but allow me to explain.

Space is filled with ALOT of debris, any of which hitting your ship at a high enough velocity is like setting off a nuke in your living room, it doesn't feel good. So, it would make sense to clear paths through debris and make 'space lanes', so ships can use their engines on full power to travel at higher speeds between systems, sort of like a highway. The beginning, and ending points of this space lane are called Nodes. Nodes could be pre-programed into the ships navigational computer, and show up as a 3D representation on their Screens, showing where the ship should go, and in which direction.
Original post by Gyrthok
An interesting way to do intersystem travel might be with 'Warp Nodes'. Now i know, worm holes and big old warp drives go a bit out there, but allow me to explain.

Space is filled with ALOT of debris, any of which hitting your ship at a high enough velocity is like setting off a nuke in your living room, it doesn't feel good. So, it would make sense to clear paths through debris and make 'space lanes', so ships can use their engines on full power to travel at higher speeds between systems, sort of like a highway. The beginning, and ending points of this space lane are called Nodes. Nodes could be pre-programed into the ships navigational computer, and show up as a 3D representation on their Screens, showing where the ship should go, and in which direction.

Thats not a bad idea actually, also say you couldn't afford a nav computer, well i guess everyone probably could but anyway, say you couldn't, but you still had these kind of rings spaced out , so you had to control your ship at high speeds through them.

It would be hard, but that would make you have to buy a nav computer

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