
Setting up Crystal Space under win32 / visual c++ 6

Started by November 02, 2004 02:57 PM
6 comments, last by TeamWhore 20 years, 3 months ago
is there a complete installer with all libraies included and in their apropriate place, i have followed all of the instructions to the letter in the crystal space docs and i still get compile errors... all of my workspace is set up correctly etc etc any ideas? its got to be easier to setup than this... or would someone mind me copying a zipped version of their directory setup off them please thanks alot in advance
did you dl the 'stable' version or the cvs? I've noticed that they put out a new set of libraries with every stable version, but the cvs is usually ahead of those, so more than once I've run into the problem where everything works fine until I update.

I haven't built it in months so I can't say how it works now, but I had it working fine under VC6 before.

*EDIT* Suppose I should have asked this first...can you compile CS itself fine, and do all the apps work in testing? I just dl'd and compiled the new cvs with the appropriate libs, and it worked almost perfectly...there's a stupid error that I'm assuming is just a new cvs thing - in CS\include\csgfx\csimage.h, line 187, you need to remove the 'return' since the function is void. Other than that, everything compiled fine ('old' renderer, no pkgs removed) and walktest ran correctly.

*EDIT2* Just did their 'simple1' external app tutorial, and that worked as well...what errors are you getting?

[Edited by - TeamWhore on November 3, 2004 6:33:07 AM]
no im using the latest stable version

i get the errors msvcp70d.dll was not found

i compiled the csall vc++ 6 workspace perfectly but running anything from it gives me

lib3ds-120.dll was not found

i can find the lib3ds one its asking for but havent a clue where it needs to go
lib3ds-120 is either installed in your CS directory by the libs installer (probably not though), or is built by CS when you compile it. It's put there by default, so you either have a funky directory structure or you didn't build everything. According to the manual, you're supposed to open CS\mk\msvc\wkstypical.dsw, and select grpall_typical as the active project, and then do rebuild all. That will take forever, but as part of it it will create a ton of programs and libraries in your CS dir, one of which is lib3ds-120.

As to msvcp70d...I'm not sure why you'd need that. I actually do have it, but as a part of nebula2 (a totally separate engine) and not CS. I also thought it was specific for the .NET versions of VC, and VC6 uses the msvcp60* libs. So you shouldn't need this file, unless you set everything up incorrectly to have VC7 support instead of VC6. You should probably go back and uninstall at least the libraries (all of it, the VC support, the DLLs and the package itself) and try reinstalling them correctly. After that, their online docs *are* correct, at least as of last night, so I don't know what else to tell you.
thanks alot

ok i seem to have got a fair way through the compile and have come up to the following error

--------------------Configuration: plgsprcal3d - Win32 Release--------------------
Compiling resources...
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "cal3d.lib"
Error executing link.exe.

i have tried putting the file where its supposed to be in the CS\libs\cal3d

any ideas
It's supposed to be in CS\libs\csutil\win32\libs, which is where the libs installer puts it for you.
nice seems to be running fine... thanks for your help

was just wondering if you know of any sites with a few tutorials to get me started on it.... and maybe what your opinions of the engine are... cheers mate
not really, I originally only dl'd the engine to look at it/consider it for a project. At least to get started, their wiki docs are pretty good - they go through the simple* apps and explain how to get started, and later ones show how to use some of the tools and what types of things you can do. I never really looked beyond the intro stuff though, so I don't know how advanced they get. There's also some user-contributed docs, but I don't know how good those are either.

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