
Aldjpp.h problems

Started by October 31, 2004 08:37 PM
4 comments, last by 23yrold3yrold 20 years, 4 months ago
Hi I'm having trouble compiling anything that uses allegro. I've compiled Allegro using Djgpp but that's not the problem - any program calling allegro.h needs aldjgpp.h which needs pc.h in Djgpp\include and whenever I try to build in VC7 I get all these syntax errors complaining about the files in Djgpp\include wether it be pc.h or dir.h . Is there anything I can do to get around this in VC7 ? Just seems to be specifically about these Djgpp include files. There must be a swtich somewhere in project properties that can solve my headaches Regards
that's because your trying to use files made for DJGPP in VC++. IIRC, allegro has special files for VC++, if not, it probably uses the ones specific to windows.
The problem comes from a terrain tutorial VC++ project I have calling glut.h which includes allegro.h , So how should I get around allegro needing any of those Djgpp files , I know there are some platform specific defines in Allegro but if I try to modify any of them to exclude any other package other than msvc then I run into bigger problems and errors. :(
Yeah, you shouldn't need to explicitly include aldjgpp.h. I've never even heard of that file, and I cut my teeth on Allegro using DJGPP. What happens if you just don't include that file?

Do you actually have Allegro installed for VC7? Can you compile programs written in VC7 using Allegro?

Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.

You shouldn't really muck in the source code, if that's what you're doing. The code is already set up to compile for all sorts of platforms; if you have to do that to get it to work, you're doing something wrong. Check out this page for assistance, and make sure it's a from-scratch installation! "make clean" to get rid of the DJGPP crap.

Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.

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