private int MaxMove(int depth, CheckerBoard cb, int alpha, int beta)
if (depth < 1) return cb.RateBoard(turn);
ArrayList allowedMoves = cb.AllowedMoves(turn);
int bestValue = -MAXIMUM_VALUE + 1;
int moveValue = 0;
foreach (Move m in allowedMoves)
CheckerBoard newBoard = (CheckerBoard)cb.Clone();
moveValue = MinMove(depth - 1, newBoard, alpha, beta);
if (moveValue > bestValue)
bestValue = moveValue;
alpha = moveValue;
if (beta > alpha) return bestValue;
return bestValue;
private int MinMove(int depth, CheckerBoard cb, int alpha, int beta)
if (depth < 1) return cb.RateBoard(turn);
ArrayList allowedMoves = cb.AllowedMoves(4 - turn);
int worstValue = MAXIMUM_VALUE - 1;
int moveValue = 0;
foreach (Move m in allowedMoves)
CheckerBoard newBoard = (CheckerBoard)cb.Clone();
moveValue = MaxMove(depth - 1, newBoard, alpha, beta);
if (moveValue < worstValue)
worstValue = moveValue;
beta = moveValue;
if (beta < alpha) return worstValue;
return worstValue;
Minimax problem: alpha-beta not working
Hi all,
I've created a minimax algorithm for my checkers application. Minimax itself works fine, but I've implemented alpha-beta cutoffs and it ins't working... For example, it returns a different opening move with alpha-beta than from the same algo without alpha-beta. This is never supposed to happen (right?..)
Here's the code
I can't figure it out: at the start I call MinMove (with a move from max already made) with alpha = -INFINITY and beta = +INFINITY.
Does anybody know what I can be doing wrong here. Nothing is wrong with the minimax, except for the alpha-beta part
May be should be <= and >= rather then just < and > when comparing movevalue?
Would be easier to see if you could step thru it I guess :-/
Would be easier to see if you could step thru it I guess :-/
Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.
October 31, 2004 12:13 PM
if (beta > alpha) return bestValue;
should be
if (alpha > beta) return bestValue;
should be
if (alpha > beta) return bestValue;
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