

Started by October 30, 2004 02:14 PM
5 comments, last by Rocket05 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi everyone, I'm a member of a six person group who has just begun pre-production on a three month game project. We are planning on creating a first person shooter for the PC using OGRE for graphics. Does anyone have any tips, warnings, or other useful info about making games with OGRE? If so, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
wow.... I must be out of my mind... I'm working on a 3 month shooter all by myself... from scratch.... i guess mine will suck... ( school physics project )
One warning about OGRE: it's huge! A complete build will take about 1.5GB of disk space.
Original post by Axiverse
wow.... I must be out of my mind... I'm working on a 3 month shooter all by myself... from scratch.... i guess mine will suck... ( school physics project )

Hey, good luck. The worst thing that will happen is that you'll learn a lot about game production. :\
Original post by Dominicds
Hi everyone, I'm a member of a six person group who has just begun pre-production on a three month game project. We are planning on creating a first person shooter for the PC using OGRE for graphics. Does anyone have any tips, warnings, or other useful info about making games with OGRE? If so, they would be greatly appreciated.

Use the OGRE forums, and particularly sinbad (head developer), as much as possible. They're a great resource, and always looking for serious projects to show off OGRE's capabilities so I'm sure they'll be enthusiastic about helping.

Although OGRE includes some basic keyboard/mouse input stuff, for serious projects they generally recommend using a 3rd party library. The same goes for the GUI functionality, although it currently includes a bunch of controls I think they're going to phase it out for the next release and are actively encouraging people to switch to Crazy Eddie's GUI library (Google it).

If you're looking for examples of how to integrate OGRE with a physics library, search the OGRE forums for projects called OgreODE (Ogre with ODE), Nogredex (Ogre with Novodex), and OgreTok (Ogre with Tokamak). There might be others too, I forget.

That's all off the top of my head.
Original post by darookie
One warning about OGRE: it's huge! A complete build will take about 1.5GB of disk space.

Yeah, that's because the object files for some builds within the workspace are like 20Megs each, lol. Just delete the samples ( Don't do this if you want to use the OGRE sample framework, which is, in my ho, a wonderful way to start) that reside in the ogrenew directory.

Also, in response to poster #1:
What 3D modeling/animation tool do you plan on using? If it's Blender3D -> OGRE has a wonderful, wonderful Exporter. Also, blender is free and avalibe on major platforms(*nix's, win32, and macosx) I would seriously recommend that you check it out. Blender3D and Ogre work wonders together ;)

Cheers and goodluck with your project.
yes, OGRE is a great engine, but dont forget its still a Work In Progress (WIP). there are bound to still have bugs lurking in the massive project, so anytime you run into some strange behavior that you cant seem to track down, double check that its you're code and not OGRE (or even your video card driver) thats screwing up.

i actually had a problem using OGRE a few months ago, it was a strange bug that only affected geforce4 ti 4200's, it actually crashed inside the driver, only heard of one other person having that problem (doing almost the same thing i was). dont really know if its my fault, OGRE's, or nvidia's, but point of the story is, some bugs that pop up may not be entirely an error in your own code.
"I never let schooling interfere with my education" - Mark Twain

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