
best size for udp packets?

Started by October 10, 2000 09:36 AM
20 comments, last by aakks 24 years, 4 months ago
Regarding UDP packets: Obviously I want to minimize the amount of data I need to send as much as possible. But, I also want to minimize the overhead for packet headers by bundling up the data into as few packets as possible. My question is, what is the best value to cap the max size of the packets at AND WHY? I see lots of suggestions, but they all vary and don''t have any explanation as to why that max size is chosen, so I''m having a really hard time making an informed choice as to the optimal max packet size. Thanks!
The best option is to leave packet size dynamic. There should be some algo. checking packet loss / resends / latency and adjusting size based on those figures keeping track of each connection seperately. The best option will vary from connection to connection based on distance line quality and the maximum packet size. I would have 3 settings, 4096, 8192 and 16384 bytes, then switch based on the packet loss / latency. It won''t be easy, but it isn''t that hard once you get into it and that''s the best way to do it.
I think the values that Mr. Stelly posted sound a bit high. I believe that you should try to keep your packet size below the MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) size of the network segments between the client and the server. If a packet is larger than the MTU of a certain network segment, the segment will split the packet into several smaller packets that will all be transfered across the segment and reassembled again when the packet leaves the segment. Avoiding this splitting and concatenation procedure by staying below the MTU size is probably desirable if you want to maximize performance. A common MTU for ethernet networks is 1500 bytes and possibly less for shaky phone lines.

It would be really interesting to hear more about this from someone with experience in the field.

Wow, I haven''t seen even a single recomendation over 1k bytes until this message. That does sound very high to me, but I admit that I''m not really sure about what''s going on behind the scenes. I like the idea of dynamically adjusting the max size based on ploss. I''m looking forward to more posts about this.
I would say its down to what you want to send. If its going to be a packet of less than 1k then send only what you need - speed things up.

But if greater than 1k I find that sending it 1k at a time works fine, you just disassemble the data and reassemble it yourself. Least then you can make sure its coming in the right order (set first byte to be order flag) and tell if any were lost during the send.

Just thoughts...

All messages are of my own personal opinion and
not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)

-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
i think it would depend heavily on the type of data being sent... a 16k packet is pretty big to across the internet, on the lan though its different... xsp with ipx

but with udp packets, odds are you aren''t sending large files or huge streams so you primary concern is not throughput - but latency, well throughput becomes a concern if it starts to affect the latency! i guess it''s called lag then though...

If I you 4k of data to send, and had it all right now, would it be faster to send 4 packets at 1k (staying below the MTU) or faster to send it as one packet and let the routers break it up?
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
Wow, Umh, that was a MAJOR typo on my part. I don''t know what exactly I was thinkin there, but that''s not what I meant...

Haha, I''m gonna have to put that on my blackboard somewhere as one of the dumbest things I''ve ever said. =)

Everyone who commented on that after me is right, 1500 bytes is as large as you would want to go, something like 500 1000 1500 maybe.

Sorry for the mix-up,
And now to get back to the original topic. Magmai is correct. If you figure that a 56k modem can reliably receive 4k of data per second, assume that it can receive 1k every 250 ms. So if you use a packet size of 1k, your minimum latency will be 250ms. In practice, there is some bursting, compression etc... that reduces that time by a lot, but lets keep this simple.

Assuming that 1k = 250ms to transfer, this would suggest that 250 byte packets would take around 60ms to receive. That would be pretty respectable. But in sending many 250 byte packets, you''re going to get a lot of packet overhead. Here''s a small breakdown of things to consider with packet size:

Small Packets (< 250 bytes)
Resends require less wasted bandwidth
Packet loss results in less data lost
Lower latency on slow connections

High packet overhead

Large Packets (> 500 bytes)
Low packet overhead

Resends are expensive
Packet loss results in larger amounts of data loss
Increases latency on slow connections

Somewhere in the middle there is a ''medium'' sized packet that is a balance between the 2 groups. You''ll just need to figure out which priorities and benefits are important to you, and which ones aren''t.

Right right, I''m pretty aware of the implications of going small/large but not sure enough on what''s going on behind the scenes. I think your first suggestion might make the most sense, adjusting the max packet size on the fly based on packet loss, capping it at like 1500 or so... A little more work but its probably better than generalizing since everyone is going to have a different quality connection.


Q: Anyone know of a site with psudeo code for adding gauranteed udp? I have searched the net for info on an algo for this without much success.

I have an ideal of how to implement this, but... I would like to see something that works

Thanks in advance,

Dave "Dak Lozar"Loeser
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous

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