
Music for Critique

Started by October 25, 2004 12:11 PM
12 comments, last by XMark 20 years, 3 months ago
Hey there GameDev junkies (much like myself), wondering if I might get some critiques on some music I've written. I ask friends and teammates for criticism and comments, but they only tell me how much they like it, and not what's wrong with it. Not everybody is musical, I guess, but people on this forum certainly are! To let you know the context that they fit into, the game is a sci-fi action RPG. Epic story, multiple character developments, vast worlds, blah blah blah. You don't need to hear that part, not in this forum anyway. Just so you know what kind of game these are going to fit into. So yea, listen away. They're in midi format right now, I haven't had time to go and mix them with good sounding tracks. Just have a listen if you've got time. Insanity: A bad guy theme, where he/she is goin nutsoid. Fast paced, count changes, want to make key change too. Battle music 1: Actually the fourth battle tune I tried, first succesful one. Simple, adrenalene pumping, repeatable; what you want in a battle scene I hope. Battle music 2: Another battle tune, this one more like a critical battle theme. Lends itself to a more unique, distressful situation. City theme 1: Fitting for a seedy, dark kind of location. Possible use in the entertainment/casino district. City theme 2: Just another city, nuthin special. Sad theme: Well the name says it, kind of a mystical tune with sad undertones. I came up with this watching the snow fall, which always comes back as imagery when I hear the song. Love theme 1: Mellow kind of love song. Every good RPG needs one. Love theme 2: Sappier love song, ending more happy and cheery. Actually stolen from a recorded song, so I'll have to change that before it's published =P. Main theme: One possibility for the main theme to the game. I liked it at first, but the melody is a bit too repetetive. Underground travelling music: A lot of the game will take place in underground cities, which is just the nature of our setting. So this is just as the caption says. Underground mysterious music: Meh, no explanation here. Mild influence from somewhere (rating++ for the person who gets it hehe). Character theme 1: Character theme for somebody, not sure yet. Neither of the character themes are very good in my opinion, they don't seem unique enough. Character theme 2: Another character theme, same comments as above. So that's basically it, let me know what you think about them - one or all of them, whatever. Just looking for some constructive criticism. Enjoy, and thanks in advance! As ever, *****Cosmic*****
Here is my two cents for all they are worth.

Insanity: sounds nice. I think I am hearing some discord too? If so it was worked in nicely. Ending just seems to happen way to abruptly though.

Battle Music 1: The drums at the end and the cut of the brass doesn't seem to make it all that loopable... but the song reminds me of FF battle music and that is good.

Battle Music 2: I liked it a lot up till the 28 seconds in. I think you may have chosen the wrong insturment there to be playing that lyric.

City Theme 1: I can't help but smile.

City Theme 2: Begining makes me think the city is in peril.

Sad Theme: Minor chords? Bah I never stayed in band long enough to learn all the music theory. What about dynamic range though. Play with some areas being softer and cresendo into another insturment joining or something.

Love Theme 1: What about the piano players left hand?

Love Theme 2: Sounds nice. Nice use of drums. Not sure how well it works for a game though but still nice.

Main Theme: Good use of cresendo here! The low sound that comes in at 20 seconds seems out of range low. Otherwise I like. You already hit on the repetive nature of it. The song itself seems to tell a story also, which is very nice.

Underground Traveling Music: The stacatto notes don't seem to fit all that well, but the drums are sweet and simple. Nice. I really like the last 20 seconds too.

Underground Mysterious Music: Hmmm.... I see what you are going for with it. Maybe more of a jazz feel? This may be my least favorite so far.

Character Theme 1: Nothing really sticks out.

Character Theme 2: Nice harp. Interesting mix of drums and harp and piano.

As some final notes (pun intended), I really like what you got going. I don't think I hear a lot of woodwinds. That maybe just the fact that they are midis though. In general, It seems like your view of the paino is for background purposes. The piano might want to subtly change what it is playing as the song evolves. Also make some use of volume. Draw the persons attention in with quiter parts and build the excitement with a cresendo and finish with a forte or such.
actually I change my mind on Underground Myseterious Music. It is quite nice. Not as good as Underground Traveling Music, but still quite nice.
actually I change my mind on Underground Myseterious Music. It is quite nice. Not as good as Underground Traveling Music, but still quite nice.
Thanks for the response logain! Your two cents are exactly what I'm looking for, super helpful =D

And I neglected to mention before, but some of the songs do end quite abruptly... I get lazy after a while and say "I'll go back to them and finish, now that I have the idea down..." and yet it never seems to happen. It's kind of like stopping a sentence in mid thought, and I know it's annoying so I'll fix that.

As ever,
not a problem. every time I have looked for these comments on my art I rarely get them.
Everything is well written. I hear a lot of Nobuo Uematsu influence. Mostly on the Underground Mysterious Theme track. I thought you were going to break into the Wall Market theme from Final Fantasy 7. :) The only negative issue I hear is the sound of the percussion on the first 2 tracks. It sounds robotish. It could be that these are MIDI files though or maybe the drum machine/software you are using. Nice work!!
Anthony Rufrano
RealityFactory 2 Programmer
Paradox u gotz it. The slums!

So ya, you hear a lot of Nobuo in them do you? I'll take that as a compliment, since he's one of my faves. And thanks for the notes about songs 1 and 2, I'll review how the percussion sounds and maybe switch up some instrumentation or rhythm. Drums are easy to do in midi, so I probably don't take them as seriously as I should.

As for you, AP, I wish I had time to offer my help to other projects, but between my own and university and work and my general procrastinatory nature, I don't think it'd be possible. Flattering to be asked, though =D.

Anyhoo, keep 'em comin.

As ever,
It was meant as a compliment. ;)

I used to have the same issue with drums in my songs. Which prog are you using for drums? Have you tried Reason's ReDrum or NI's Battery?

[Edited by - paradoxnj on November 2, 2004 8:53:07 AM]
Anthony Rufrano
RealityFactory 2 Programmer
I'm not using a separate program for drums actually. I simply toss them in with the rest of the midi in MusicMasterWorks, which does a great job of letting me play around with the drum sounds and rhythms intuitively. How do you do it, or what would you suggest might be better?

As ever,

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