
3D Studio Max: multiple objects share uvmap

Started by October 14, 2004 08:53 AM
2 comments, last by MattCrawford 20 years, 3 months ago
I have looked everywhere and couldnt find help on this. I have 3 mesh objects in a 3D Studio Max scene. I want them to all share 1 UVmap and when I move one object around it doesnt mess up the UVs on the models. In 3D Studio Max how can I have several objects in a scene share a common uvmap? thank you.
What kind of objects are they and are they seperate elements of the same mesh or seperate meshes within a scene?

You could try using uvunwrap and then saving the UV co-ordinates and then loading the same UV co-ordinates into UVunwrap on the other 2.
Seperate meshes in the same scene. I have seen how people use the same UV map on a new obejct, but I cant figure out how to do it.
It's not really hard... You cant have them all share UV space as seperate objects, but you can have them share a texture.

If you 'attach' each object to eachother, you can share UV's, but you can not easily animate them independantly. You would have to animate them vertex by vertex, or use 3 sets of bones with seperate roots, which I'm not even sure is supported in one object.

You can simply seperate the objects, and place UV's for each object on a 3rd of the UV map. For example, object 1 use the first 1/3 of the availible 512x512, object 2 uses the 2nd 1/3 of the 512x512 etc. You'll have to eyeball it a bit, but theat way they can share the same texture if thats what your going for.

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