What do you think of an AI contest?
hi guys! Some time ago, i was toying around a new game, and it turned out that making the AI was a real challenge. I tried some simple stuff but the results were pretty poor and i feel there is much potential on developping AI. So i thought, it would be even more interesting to focus only on the AI and make a contest out of it! ...As you can see, it is very vague now. On the other hand, i can't say more so that the contest could take place "correctly", unvailing the details to everyone at the same time. The only thing i can say now is that the programming language would be java, that the challenge has much potential and can be implemented with a variety of techniques. ...And that it's not that easy. ...And the AIs will compete against each other. ...It'll be fun, you'll see! If there is enough people wanting to take part of such a contest, then i'll make a small framework to build the AI on the top of it and to visualize how it performs or "quick-testing" it. Then start dates and deadlines will be set and details unveiled. What do you think of this? Would you want to take part? PS: I promise it'll be interesting PPS: You surely noticed this is a new profile, it's because my old one would give hints about the challenge.
You know, secondary profiles are looked down upon... MisterX!!!
But yeah, something like the GD:Arena contest would be cool. So yes, I'd like to take part.
Prizes anyone?
But yeah, something like the GD:Arena contest would be cool. So yes, I'd like to take part.
Prizes anyone?
a language had to be chosen, since java is simple and productive i think it's a good choice.
And sorry for the prizes, i have none, it would be just for the love of contests! ;) (Except a sponsor comes in, but i really doubt of it)
And sorry for the prizes, i have none, it would be just for the love of contests! ;) (Except a sponsor comes in, but i really doubt of it)
A language should never been chosen out of fairness for a contest unless that is the purpose. You lay out the rules and guidelines, but you can't tell people they have to use Java, unless it's a "Java AI Contest"
People should be able to use whatever language they are most productive with. Saying Java is most productive is misleading because it is quite the opposite if the developer has never used Java, and now has to learn it just to enter.
People should be able to use whatever language they are most productive with. Saying Java is most productive is misleading because it is quite the opposite if the developer has never used Java, and now has to learn it just to enter.
Senior Rendering Engineer @ Frostbite
Previously at BioWare
Author of Game Engine Toolset Development
I agree - I don't think it should be a language-specific competition.
Just my £0.02 worth ;o)
Just my £0.02 worth ;o)
Well, if he has a Java-specific interface he wants the AI to go through, then I don't know what else he's gonna do.
But otherwise, heck, if you could make it open language and support VB6 you all will be buttered toast. But Java? Fair game. [razz]
But otherwise, heck, if you could make it open language and support VB6 you all will be buttered toast. But Java? Fair game. [razz]
why not something like prolog or lisp? I often find myself implementing java based AI solutions in a similar way to a prolog solution, except the java one has an extra 1000 lines of code.
[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]
Quote:No it didn't.
Original post by AIcontest
a language had to be chosen...
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