
description of quake 3 .map format

Started by October 04, 2000 09:32 PM
-1 comments, last by DeusMaximus 24 years, 3 months ago
I am writing a 3d engine and was wondering if anyone here knows where I can get the specs, and a decent description of the quake3 .map format as output by q3 radiant. Please note i do not want info on the .bsp because i am interested in implementing my own visibility determinations and sorting and such. The closest thing i have been able to find to a good description so far is a description of the quake 1 .map files which i am sure are very outdated as the paper is from ''96. Quake 3 .map files must have more tags, and different ways of describing geometry b/c of curves and such so PLEASE if you know a website with a good description of the quake 3 .map format tell me. Thanx in advance, Rob

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