
Startup Script for FTP server

Started by September 28, 2004 07:48 AM
1 comment, last by gg83 19 years, 11 months ago
I've installed FreeBSD on my server and it's working great, not to mention it was really easy to install and configure for me as a not so educated unix user. I've installed Pure-FTPD server from the ports collection and it works, only now i want to make a script to start it up automatically from rc.d. I've looked at other scritps (like apache's one), but i can't figure out how to read in the PID file to kill the process when the script is run with the "stop" parameter. Any pointers on how would i write the script? Also, does the kernel startup the scripts in /usr/local/etc/rc.d with the "start" parameter at boot time or do i have to change some config?
I'm not familiar with BSD so I might be slightly wrong here, but...

From my LINUX experience: After some initial boot stuff the kernel runs "init". Init takes a number as a parameter indicating the "runlevel". This determines what startup scripts get run. They are all passed "start" as a parameter.

If I were you I'd check to make sure a startup script for FTP doesn't already exist. Try looking in /etc/init.d or something. If one exists you can make a symlink to it from rc.d and it should work.

Otherwise you can try looking for the "start-stop-daemon" program. This might help. I wouldn't think killing the server isn't really that important, but I suppose us geeks like doing things The Right Way (TM).
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
Should already be a startup script created in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ and all you should need to do is set proftpd_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf
"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it." - Samuel Johnson

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