
Hey all u professinals out there

Started by October 04, 2000 01:31 AM
1 comment, last by slightly_whacked 24 years, 5 months ago
Ive been hearing all this buzz about..DigiPen... is it really good as it sounds.. I would like to know from (if there are any) people that are in the gaming bussiness... when u tell a company that u attended digipen.. How much do they like that? does that mean u got the job?? doesit mean u are on their good side?? does it reallly matter worth a ..... anyways what im sayin is.. is DigiPen know across north america as a school that produces good game developers?? thanx
life is short.. live it to the fullest
LOL I think you need to go back to first grade english and produce some good sentences!

Matthew Fitzgerald (Maketty),
Knightvision Games
Maketty (Matthew FitzGerald) The meaning of Life part 5:Live organ transplants...
I have a friend at digipen right now and I think he is getting a great education in video games. It is not neccesary however to attend a ''game'' school to get into the industry or to learn how to make games. Most people just get a degree in computer science and make games in their free time. Eventually someone sees the games or you send them out as demos and then you have a job. I haven''t finished college yet, but I did code a few games that i sent out to game companies as demos and I got hired that way. I''ve said it before and i''ll say it again, make a game and show everyone. Companies are looking for people that can get the job done and it shows a lot of initiative to make a complete game on your own.

Mike Barela

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